Welcome to another Friday Miscellany, a collection of interesting links from across the internet curated from social media, conversations and curiosity.
- From isocpp.org, B-Tree containers, a C++ template library that implements B-tree containers with an analogous interface to the standard STL map, set, multimap, and multiset containers.
- C++ AMP GPU debugging now available on Windows 7.
- GotW archive on Sutter’s Mill. Test your C++ knowledge by answer questions like “what are the performance and correctness implications of the following function declaration”…
- When was the last time you visited Visual C++ on MSDN? Now is a good time to revisit and rediscover!
- On StackOverflow: Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x?, Splitting a string in C++, Is < faster than <=?, and Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast. These are top voted questions tagged “C++”. There are many, many more interesting questions (and answers) lurking about.
- Love Visual C++ on Facebook!
If you have something to share, send it to me (ebattali@microsoft.com) for potential inclusion in a future miscellany. Thanks!