Gratian Lup

Compiler engineer working on the Visual C++ code optimizer.

Post by this author

Game performance and compilation time improvements in Visual Studio 2019

The C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2019 includes several new optimizations and improvements geared towards increasing the performance of games and making game developers more productive by reducing the compilation time of large projects. Although the focus of this blog post is on the game industry, these improvements apply to most C++ ...

MSVC code optimizer improvements in Visual Studio 2017 versions 15.5 and 15.3

In this post, we’d like to give you an update on the significant progress the Visual C++ code optimizer made in the past year, focused mostly on the features released in the 15.3 and 15.5 versions. Compared to VS2015 Update 3, VS2017 15.5 provides on average an 8.9% increase in runtime speed in the SPEC 2017 benchmark (for detailed numbers ...

Introducing a new, advanced Visual C++ code optimizer

We are excited to announce the preview release of a new, advanced code optimizer for the Visual C++ compiler backend. It provides many improvements for both code size and performance, bringing the optimizer to a new standard of quality expected from a modern native compiler. This is the first public release and we are encouraging people to ...