Well!, so these are the key new stuff in CRM 4.0 (“Titan”)!!:
– CRM 4.0 Workflow based on WF (Windows Workflow Foundation). This is a huge improvement and a great new from the development point of view. WF is a base development technology which is part of .NET 3.x (which is basically .NET 2.0 plus WF, WCF, WPF and CardSpace) with a great development visual environment based on Visual Studio. WF is the unification of all Microsoft workflow technologies, so all high level Microsoft workflows are going to be based on WF (Windows Workflow Foundation). Historically, Microsoft had many different types of workflows technologies (Exchange Server workflow, Biztalk workflow, SharePoint kind of workflows, CMS workflows, etc.). All of them were very different and not based on a single base technology. But now, CRM 4.0, SharePoint v3 and MOSS-2007, and even probably next version of Biztalk are based on WF (Windows Workflow Foundation).
More new tech characteristics and new key functionality are:
– A single event framework for workflows and plug-ins (aka. callouts).
– Multi tenancy (Several organizations supported within the same server installation). This is a very important functionality for groups of companies or big companies split in several organizations.
– Multi-language support
– Multi-currency support
– Management environment: All management is done via the Web Client. No more server win-forms management applications.
– Development environment: Development can be done via the Web Client (like customizations or a high level workflow for business people) or Visual Studio.