May 14th, 2008

Great Whitepaper about ‘Developing Business Apps with Dynamics CRM 4.0’

Cesar De la Torre
Principal Program Manager

Well, the real name of this whitepaper is “Developing ISV Applications using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0” but I thought it would be clearer with this other title. Many people don’t not know what really an ISV is (Independent Software Vendor), and this whitepaper can also be great for any CRM developer/architect. 🙂

So, this whitepaper has (in a single document) all the technical messages we’ve been talking about Dynamics CRM during last year (we, as Microsoft DPE), presenting Dynamics CRM 4.0 not only as a CRM product but as a great RAD development platform, for many kind of business apps.

In fact, Dynamics CRM 4.0 is RAD (Rapid Application Development) but also it is completly extensible based on .NET (WF workflow, .NET plugins, SOA Web-Services, SSRS, etc.).

I already have provide it to all the ISVs I’m working with, in Spain, but it would be good that anyone (developers/architects, most of all) interested about developing with Dynamics CRM 4.0, could get it too!. ðŸ™‚

Here you have the link:

btw, thanks Ben & Girish for this whitepaper!! 🙂



Cesar De la Torre
Principal Program Manager

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.


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