May 19th, 2008

Dynamics CRM 4.0 Vertical Accelerator for Healthcare

Cesar De la Torre
Principal Program Manager

Microsoft Dynamics CRM has released its Relationship Management Healthcare vertical accelerator.   This accelerator, built on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, showcases how Microsoft Dynamics CRM is relevant to customers in the healthcare industry and provides a baseline for partners/customers for further development.  These sales enablement tools are released as a part of Microsoft’s shared source initiative on Codeplex under the Microsoft Public License.

This is the link from where you can download it!:

The following information can also be found on Codeplex:

· Relationship Management BDM/TDM Deck: This deck tells the story of how health care organizations benefit from using Microsoft Dynamics CRM in managing their patient relationships (includes slides for demos and screenshots).

· Value Proposition Document:  Identifies and outlines key industry drivers and defines a desired end state possible for two vertical segments of the healthcare industry: (1) healthcare; and (2) health and social services.

· Demo DIFF File:  Microsoft Virtual PC DIFF Disk for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 RTM VPC to make healthcare specific demos.

· Sample Demo Map:  This document presents a suggested outline for a demonstration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM functionality that is tailored for the healthcare industry.

Sample Data Model: A draft data model for configuring Microsoft Dynamics CRM to healthcare.

And finally, I prvide several links about the healthcare sector:



Cesar De la Torre
Principal Program Manager

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.


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