August 22nd, 2008

SQL SERVER 2008 Sample Databases

Cesar De la Torre
Principal Program Manager


This is a useful post because SQL Server 2008 has just been released a few days ago, and we will have tons of labs and samples, most of them based on Microsoft sample databases like the new version of Northwind sample database, so, we’ve got this neat place in CODEPLEX where we can download different sample database versions.

Those sample databases (last version) have been published just a few days ago, in August, as well.

For instance, there is a new sample database very useful for development demos (like demoing LINQ or Entity Framework) where you need just several tables and you do not need a very complex database. It is called ‘AdventureWorks Lite’ and the database name is AdventureWorksLT. It is a new sample database based on the Adventure Works Cycles scenario.

Like I said, the purpose of the AdventureWorksLT database is to provide a simple, small database sample focused on a product sales scenario.

This is the schema diagram for AdventureWorksLT, quite easy to take a look:


AdventureWorksLT is simpler and smaller than AdventureWorksOLTP in the following ways:

· The schema design is a bit denormalized compared with AdventureWorks. To obtain useful information either requires no joins, or fewer joins compared with AdventureWorks.

· The quantity of data is reduced from about 183mb down to 7mb which makes it more practical to download over slow or unreliable Internet connections.

· Instead of 5 schemas plus dbo in the database, AdventureWorksLT has one schema plus dbo in the database.

· Instead of 70 tables, AdventureWorksLT has 12 tables.

Of course, if you’re going to implement a real/production project database based on SQL Server 2008, you’d better take a look to the AdventureWorksOLTP (transactions database) and also to AdventureWorks_DW_BI database (Datawarehouse and BI database) which are more complex, by far, but they are like a real production database could be. 

Here you have a further explanation about the several sample databases & installation options (we’ve got now MSIs, etc.):


Cesar De la Torre
Principal Program Manager

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.


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