If you check out the news post yesterday, you’ll see that the big change in this sprint’s deployment was to the project and account home pages. Quite honestly the account home page was mostly useless and not very visually appealing. One of the big things we focused on with these updates was improving the getting started experience. One change we made was a new “Create your first project” panel on the account home page (where you land immediately after creating an account) to try to make it crystal clear what the next step to do anything useful is.
After you’ve created a project, the create your fist project panel disappears and you see the new account home page with, among other things, a set of tiles (that are dismissable) to provide additional information about getting started with the experience.
After dismissing it, you see this. I’ve narrowed the browser in this screenshot to highlight another effort we’ve undertaken. We’ve started, with these two home pages, to implement adaptive UI that changes layout when the browser size changes. You’ll notice this is a 2 column layout rather than a 3 column layout. We’re not yet focused on solving for phone form factors but we expect this UI to work effectively for tablets and up. We’ve also got work to do to improve our touch experience but you should expect that this is a direction we’ll be evolving towards.
To see the project home page and learn about a few more things, you can read Aaron’s news post.
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