After we released TFS 2010, I started to hear some complaints from BizTalk users that trying to build a BizTalk 2009 project using TFS Build associated with a TFS 2010 server did not work. The principle we strive for is that our various platform technology versions are independent of the version of TFS you use. You should be able to use new or old TFS and build based on newer or older platform releases. Obviously, there are limits to how far we can (or should) take this but that’s the general goal. So once these reports that BizTalk 2009 wasn’t working with TFS 2010 surfaced, I worked with the BizTalk team to understand the root of the issue. Late last week we released a hotfix that addresses the issue and published a KB article that describes the problem and links to the Hotfix: The error this addresses appears in the form of a build error like: <MapName.btm>: Exception Caught: The map contains a reference to a schema node that is not valid. Perhaps the schema has changed. Try reloading the map in the BizTalk Mapper. The XSD XPath of the node is: /*[local-name()='<Schema>’]/*[local-name()=’FaultMessage’]/*[local-name()=’Header’]/*[local-name()=’Application’] and results from some slightly incorrect binding rules applied by one of the BizTalk 2009 build tasks. The hotfix in the KB article fixes the binding rule. If you get a chance to try it out, I’d appreciate knowing whether or not it solves your BizTalk 2009/TFS 2010 issues. Thanks, Brian
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