December 5th, 2018

Real-time Data Streaming with Event Hubs on Azure Government

Yujin Hong
Program Manager

Azure Event Hubs is a managed Data streaming and Event Ingestion platform, capable of processing millions of events per second. Event Hubs can process and store events, data, or telemetry produced by distributed software and devices. Data sent to an event hub can be transformed and stored by using any real-time analytics provider or batching/storage adapters.

In the Event Hubs screencast we walk through the Event Hubs sample running on Azure Government. We first demonstrate how to deploy an Event Hub Namespace and Event Hub in the Azure Portal. Now that we have the Event Hub deployed, we want to send messages to it. For our scenario our console application will act as traffic booths in various locations gathering data such as the number and average speed of passing cars. The console application sends this data as messages to our Event Hub. We have an Azure Function that is listening to our Event Hub and is triggered by the messages being sent. Our function then writes the message received to a Cosmos Database as well as to a Power BI Streaming endpoint.

The Power BI streaming dataset allows us to build dashboards and reports with live data streaming tiles, allowing us to see data visualizations in real-time.

The screencast below goes step by step through getting started with Event Hubs and building out a simple real-world application. We also encourage you to navigate to the Azure Government Event Hubs sample repository to see the magic of Event Hubs for yourself!

Real-time Data Streaming with Event Hubs on Azure Government  (video)

Also, be sure to subscribe to the Microsoft Azure YouTube Channel to see the latest videos on the Azure Government playlist.



Yujin Hong
Program Manager


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