June 20th, 2017

Microsoft Partners with Federal Tax Administrators at Annual Conference

Microsoft hosts Commissioners, Top Deputies, and Legal Staff at Redmond Campus

The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) Annual Conference was host to over 250 Policy leaders such as economists, top deputies, commissioners, budget directors and legal staff assembling to discuss state and federal tax policy.

A foundation for regulatory policy is the requirement for a secure environment to protect citizen’s personal information. Augmenting the critical policy discussion at the FTA Annual Conference, Microsoft hosted over 30 of the attendees at Microsoft’s Cyber Security Operations Center. Below is the attendees getting a briefing about Microsoft’s patrol car of the future during their CDOC tour.

As confirmed by Microsoft’s National Technology Officer and State and Local Government Chief Technology Officer Stuart McKee, “Microsoft is deeply committed to sharing knowledge and practices we have learned from operating at hyper-scale with our customers, partners, and the industry, so we can make the world safer for everyone.”

The Microsoft Cyber Defense Operations Center (CDOC) brings together security response experts from across the company to help protect, detect, and respond to security threats against this infrastructure and our services in real-time. Informed by trillions of data points across an extensive network of sensors, devices, authentication events, and communications, the CDOC teams employ automated software, machine learning, behavioral analysis, and forensic techniques to create an intelligent security graph of our environment. The intelligent security graph helps us protect all endpoints, better detect attacks, and accelerate our response.

For additional information on Microsoft’s commitment to security and compliance, see recent Govloop.com article on Not all Clouds are Created Equal.

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