The App Service Environment, with Isolated pricing plans, is now available in Azure Government. The App Service Environment is a deployment of the Azure App Service and runs in your Azure Virtual Network. With an App Service Environment you have more options for:
- High scale
- Network isolation
- High memory utilization
The App Service Environment can be deployed with an internet accessible endpoint or with an endpoint on a private address in your Azure Virtual Network. This makes the App Service Environment a great solution to host your line of business applications or those applications that you want to only expose through a web application firewall such as the Azure Application Gateway.
Next Steps
- Create an internet accessible App Service Environment – Creating an External App Service Environment
- Create an App Service Environment with a private address – Create and use an internal load balancer with an App Service Environment
- Couple an App Service Environment with a web application firewall – Integrating your App Service Environment with an Application Gateway
- Learn more about the App Service Environment with the Introduction to the App Service Environment documentation.