February 25th, 2020

Authentication and the Azure SDK

Adrian Hall
Sr. Program Manager

How do your apps identify themselves to the cloud resources you are using?

This is one of the most important considerations when building a cloud-native app. Ideally, your app should run in all phases of development (dev, test, and prod, for example). When you write a service, you should be able to take the same code and run it in your development environment, on a compute service in your own data center, or in any of the Azure clouds without code changes. How do you do this?

The answer is to use the DefaultAzureCredential from the Azure Identity library. This is a type that is available in .NET, Java, TypeScript, and Python across all of our latest client libraries (App Config, Event Hubs, Key Vault, and Storage) and will be built into future client libraries as well. It helps you avoid credential leakage, and is the easiest way to handle identity, authentication, and authorization in your applications.

The basics are very simple. To create a client, use the DefaultAzureCredential as the credential type. For example, to create a Key Vault Secret client:

In .NET:

var client = new SecretClient(new Uri(keyVaultUrl), new DefaultAzureCredential(true));

In Java:

SecretClient client = new SecretClientBuilder()
        .credential(new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build())

In JavaScript:

const client = new SecretClient(keyVaultUrl, new DefaultAzureCredential());

In Python:

client = SecretClient(keyVaultUrl, DefaultAzureCredential())

The DefaultAzureCredential attempts to figure out what environment you are running in, and uses the most appropriate credential for the purpose. Internally, it is a credential chain, attempting multiple credential types in order. Once a working credential has been found, it is used.

Environment variables

The first choice is the environment. If you have the following environment variables set, they will be used along with Azure Active Directory to authenticate the connection.


If you need to explicitly define what user is used for authentication when communicating with an Azure resource, set these environment variables. These environment variables define the service principal that will be used for authentication and authorization. You can configure a service principal for your application using the Azure CLI as follows:

$> az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://my-application --skip-assignment
    "appId": "generated app id",
    "displayName": "my-application",
    "name": "http://my-application",
    "password": "random password",
    "tenant": "tenant id"

Place the appId, password, and tenant into the appropriate environment variables. In PowerShell, for example:

$> $env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID="generated app id"
$> $env:AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="random password"
$> $env:AZURE_TENANT_ID="tenant id"

You will also need to give the service principal permissions to access the resource. For example, for the Key Vault example above, you can use the following:

$> az keyvault set-policy --name my-key-vault --spn $AZURE_CLIENT_ID --secret-permissions get list

Now that your environment is set up, the client in your application will be able to communicate with the Key Vault.

Managed Identities

The environment is a great option when you have all the information necessary to authenticate as a service principal. However, it does establish a management burden. You have to maintain the service credentials, and rotate client secrets on a regular basis. When running your service in the confines of a cloud compute instance (such as a virtual machine, container, App Service, Functions, or Service Bus), you can use managed identities. When you establish a system-assigned identity for the service, a service principal is created for you that is associated with the service. You can also establish a user-assigned identity (which is a service principal that you associate with the service). Your application can get authenticated easily by reaching out to an endpoint on the compute resource. the DefaultAzureCredential manages this communication for you.

For instance, let’s say you are running your application in Azure App Service. To create a suitable managed identity with permissions to access your Key Vault:

$> az webapp identity assign -g MyResourceGroup -n MyWebApp

Make a note of the Object ID for the created service principal. If you need to display the Object ID, you can do so with this command:

$> az webapp identity show -g MyResourceGroup -n MyWebApp

Set the Key Vault policy using the az keyvault set-policy command, as follows:

$> az keyvault set-policy --name my-key-vault --object-id <Object-ID> --secret-permissions get

You can do this in one step if you are building your infrastructure using deployment tools such as Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Terraform, or Ansible.

During development

The third type of credential is for local development. If you have an appropriately configured developer workstation with Visual Studio signed in to Azure, then the Azure credentials from your tools will be used. Other tools (such as Azure CLI, PowerShell, and Visual Studio Code) will be added in the near future. This allows you to run your service easily from the command line or via F5 within Visual Studio.

This gives you a great ability to build and run your application without any code changes. You don’t need anything else. However, if your account does not have access to the resources necessary for the app to run, you can override the information by creating a service principal in the tenant that owns the resources (or giving your account permissions to use the resources), then use the environment variables that I mentioned above.

You can use the App Configuration service to store the list of resources that your application needs. Create a set of keys with a “dev” label and a second set of keys with the same names labelled “prod”. Your app can then read the keys with the appropriate label to get the names of the right resources.

The final stop: Interactive browser

If all of these mechanisms for obtaining a credential fail, the DefaultAzureCredential will attempt to pop up a browser window and ask for the right credentials. Some languages enable the interactive browser by default, whereas others require that you enable it first. For example, .NET only enables the interactive browser by passing true to the constructor of the DefaultAzureCredential. If the interactive browser is not popping up, check the documentation.

Take your app from development to production with no code changes

Let’s take an example. I’m writing a backend service right now that consists of a Node.js API service that communicates with Cosmos DB and Azure Storage. I store the base URI for Azure Storage and the connection string for Cosmos DB in Azure Key Vault secrets, and specify the URI needed to access the Key Vault as an environment variables. This allows me to run the service locally, as an App Service, or in a container.

import { SecretClient } from '@azure/keyvault-secrets';
import { DefaultAzureCredential } from '@azure/identity';
import { CosmosClient } from '@azure/cosmos';

const keyVaultUrl = process.env('APP_KEY_VAULT_URI');
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
let storageClient;
let cosmosClient;

async function configureClients() {
    const kvClient = new SecretClient(keyVaultUrl, credential);
    const storageUri = await client.getSecret('storageUri');
    const cosmosDbConnectionString = await client.getSecret('cosmosDb');

    cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(cosmosDbConnectonString);
    storageClient = new BlobServiceClient(storageUri, credential);

When I run my app from my development environment, it uses the credentials from my tooling. If I don’t have any appropriate tooling, the app will pop up a browser to get the credentials. I can bypass this process by creating a service principal and ensuring the permissions are set properly.

When my development is complete, I may pass this onto a devops group that deploys the service to one of the compute environments. They are using the best practices for the cloud, explicitly using managed identities and setting permissions during the deployment phase. My code doesn’t need any changes.

Most importantly, at no time does any security information get checked into source code. Using the DefaultAzureCredential helps you to avoid credential leakage.

If you are building modern cloud-native apps on Azure, the DefaultAzureCredential is the best and easiest way to handle identity, authentication, and authorization.

Want to hear more?

Follow us on Twitter at @AzureSDK. We’ll be covering more best practices in cloud-native development as well as providing updates on our progress in developing the next generation of Azure SDK.


Adrian Hall
Sr. Program Manager

I'm a program manager in the Azure organizations, focused on client and mobile development and building great SDKs. I've written a book about Azure Mobile Apps and Xamarin development!


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