June 26th, 2020

Orchard Core Release Candidate 2 now available

Sebastien Ros
Software Engineer

We are thrilled to announce that Orchard Core RC2 is now available.

What is Orchard Core?

Orchard Core Framework is a community-based application framework for building modular, multi-tenant applications on ASP.NET Core. It has been created by more than 150 contributors and has over 4K stars on GitHub.

Orchard Core also includes Orchard Core CMS, a Web Content Management System (CMS), that is built on top of the Orchard Core Framework. It allows you to build full websites, or headless websites using GraphQL.

Getting Started

Installing the templates

You can install the recommended templates by running:

dotnet new -i OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.0.0-*

Creating a new modular application

Using the templates, a modular MVC application can be created by running:

dotnet new ocmvc -n MySite

And a module is created by running:

dotnet new ocmodulemvc -n MyModule
dotnet add MySite reference MyModule

Creating an Orchard CMS website

To create a new site based on the Orchard Core CMS run:

dotnet new occms -n MySite
dotnet run --project .\MySite\MySite.csproj

After going through the setup form you get a working Blog.

Image blog

What’s new

Some notable improvements include:

  • Content localization support, and pre-configured localized Setup experience


  • Improved block content management experience


  • Sitemaps management
  • Azure support improvements


Development plan

The Orchard Core source code is available on GitHub.

There are still many important pieces to add and you might want to check our roadmap, but it’s also the best time to jump into the project and start contributing new modules, themes, improvements, or just ideas.

Feel free to drop on our dedicated Gitter chat and ask questions.


Sebastien Ros
Software Engineer

Sebastien is part of the ASP.NET team, with a focus on measuring and improving performance. He's also an active contributor to the Orchard Framework.


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