November 13th, 2018

Visual Studio App Center Unity Editor Extension- A Better Unity Experience

Just a few weeks ago, we shipped our Unity SDK and support for Unity in Visual Studio App Center portal. We have been excited to see the reception so far, seeing many new Unity apps created using App Center. To help integrate more seamlessly into the tools you are already using, and make the experience better, the App Center team is happy to announce the release of the App Center Unity Editor Extension. This extension is a stand-alone plug-in for Unity that will streamline App Center functionality within your Unity project. The initial release allows for easier installation and management of the App Center SDK’s and we intend to add additional functionality to this tool as we ship new capabilities in the future.

Getting Started

To get started and add the App Center Extension to your Unity project, first download the latest Asset Package from GitHub. With a new or existing Unity project open, double-click and import the plugin. Once installed you can access the Editor extension via the Unity menu under Window > App Center > Editor Extensions.

From there you will be able to manage what packages of the App Center SDK you have installed with just a few button clicks without having to track the GitHub repo.


Both the App Center Unity SDK and the Editor Extension are open source, so feel free to check them out for yourselves. Sign up for free, or sign-in and give App Center Unity support a try today and let us know what you think. Building something awesome with Unity, or want to share some feedback? Just reach out via the chat icon in the App Center Portal or message us @VSAppCenter, we would love to hear from you.


Program Manager for Visual Studio App Center. All things Unity & game development are my focus


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