January 3rd, 2018

Top 12 Visual Studio App Center Tips and Tricks of 2017

2017 was a big year for us and Visual Studio App Center, from announcing our General Availability to expanding to even more platforms and services. We’re excited for an amazing 2018, as we help you, and app developers everywhere, build better apps.

Our goal is to create an amazing developer experience, so you can stay 100% focused on creating amazing experiences for your users. As we’ve continued to iterate, collected your feedback, and released new features, we’ve created a few blog posts and videos to make it even easier to start simplifying and automating your development pipeline. Over the holiday season, we counted down our top posts and how-tos on Twitter and Facebook with the 12 Days of Visual Studio App Center. Today we’re announcing the #1 post:

Simple, Yet Powerful: How We Make Our Builds Better

In case you missed any along the way, check out the list below for the full countdown.

Whatever language, IDE, or platform you prefer, we’ll keep on shipping new updates and improving Visual Studio App Center to give you everything you need to continuously build, test, learn, and iterate. Here’s to an even better 2018!  

  1. Get Your Continuous Delivery Pipeline Up and Running in a Few Minutes
  2. Guest Blog | A Mobile DevOps Retrospective
  3. Automate App UI Tests with Visual Studio App Center
  4. How We Code Review
  5. Distribute Your Apps Easily to Internal and External App Stores
  6. Guest Blog | Fixing Disasters ASAP with Instant Updates
  7. Understand Your Users with Visual Studio App Center Analytics
  8. How to Build Better Apps with Xcode and iOS 11
  9. Engage Your Users with Push Notifications in App Center
  10. Introducing the App Center Slack App
  11. Monitor Your Apps with Crash Reporting and Bug Tracking in App Center
  12. Simple, Yet Powerful: How We Make Our Builds Better


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