June 5th, 2018

iOS Development Course: Learn How to Automate Your iOS Development Lifecycle

Course co-authors, Adrian Stevens and Mark Taparauskas, also contributed to this blog post.

Building great Objective-C and Swift apps that your customers can rely on takes time and effort. It’s important to test early (and often) to verify new code works as expected and doesn’t accidently break existing features. Once your users have your app, you want to ensure it runs well and that your users enjoy your exciting new features.

Visual Studio App Center makes it easy to automate builds and run tests every time your code changes. It also simplifies distribution to testers during development and to the App Store after publication. Once your app is running on user devices, you get real-time crash and advanced analytics to find out how well your app is performing and what features your users love the most.

App Center has partnered with Lynda.com and Udemy to bring you a complete course on using App Center with native iOS / Swift development. Read on to see what you’ll learn in this new course!

Build in the Cloud

App Center integrates with the version control systems developers use most. You can connect your Swift code to App Center without moving your code or changing the way you develop, whether you’re using GitHub, Visual Studio Team Services, or Bitbucket. Once connected, App Center can build your app on our cloud-based build servers every time your code changes.

Test on Every Commit

You should test every time you commit new code to ensure new features work and new bugs haven’t been introduced. Ideally, you need to test on all supported iOS devices running all supported iOS versions. App Center will automatically run your XCTests for both unit and UI testing. We have thousands of physical devices (not simulators or emulators) for you to choose from, so your UI tests run on every device configuration your users have.    

Distribute to Beta Testers Automatically

App Center gets your app(s) on your beta testers’ devices. You can define groups, like alpha testers, beta testers, and early adopters, and have App Center notify the groups whenever a new version of your app is ready for testing. All they need to do is tap on a link to install the latest update.

We’ve also just released auto-provisioning to streamline and speed up the distribution process, so you can focus more on coding and less on managing devices. Learn more here.

Monitor Your App While It Runs

App Center automatically gathers crash and analytic data and consolidates it in a single web-based dashboard. This lets you see how your app is performing, whether it’s crashing, and where users are spending time, so you’re always in the know.    

Send Targeted Push Notification

App Center gives you a simple GUI experience to send push notifications to engage your users. The notifications go through Apple’s APNs, so they arrive on user devices as standard iOS notifications. You can send messages to all users or define targeted subsets based on conditions, like their device, iOS version, and country.

Learn from the Pros in Our New Training Course

App Center’s partnership with Lynda and Udemy makes it easier than ever for iOS developers using Swift to jump into Continuous Integration and Delivery for iOS developers.

This project-based course shows you how to automate your iOS development process, starting with a provided iOS Swift application and gradually incorporate App Center services. Whether you’re new to Swift or an experienced developer, by the end of the course, you’ll have a native iOS Swift app with a fully integrated CI/CD pipeline!

Explore App Center today on Lynda.com and Udemy.