August 29th, 2014

Mobile .NET and Xamarin Meetups for September

Jayme Singleton
Senior Program Manager C&AI

School is back in session and so are mobile developer meetups! Check out the announced events for the month of  September and remember to follow @XamarinEvents on Twitter to stay informed on newly added Xamarin events.


Here are some upcoming Xamarin developer group meetups:

Australia Partner Conference au

  • Gold Coast, Australia: September 2-4

Seattle Mobile Developers  us

  • Seattle, WA: Tuesday, September 2nd 6:00pm
  • Accelerate your mobile development with Azure, with Paul Batum

Mobile with Xamarin  us

  • Hartford, CT: Thursday, September 4th 12:00PM
  • Cross-Platform Mobile Development Using C#, with Xamarin’s Mike Bluestein

KulenDayz 2014  hr

  • Osijek, Croatia: September 5-7
  • Presentation on Xamarin.Forms

TechEd New Zealand 2014 nz

  • Auckland, New Zealand: September 9-12
  • An introduction to building cross-platform apps using Microsoft technologies and Xamarin

Sydney .NET Mobile Developers au

  • Syndey, Australia: Tuesday, September 9th 6:30pm

DFW Mobile .NET  in

  • Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas: Wednesday, September 10 6:00PM
  • Show & Tell – One Year Anniversary

Houston TechFest  in

  • Houston, Texas: Saturday, September 13th 10am
  • Cross-platform Development with PCLs; Scaling mobile applications with Azure and Xamarin; Developing for Google Glass with Xamarin.Android and C#

2 Day Hands-On Lab us

  • Hudson, Ohio: Wednesday, September 17-18 9:00am
  • Cross Platform Mobile Programming with Xamarin and C#​, with Jesse Liberty

Israel .NET Developers User Group il

  • Tel Aviv, Israel Wednesday, September 17 5:30pm
  • Building Cross Platform Apps with Xamarin!​

Boston Mobile C# Developers Group us

  • Cambridge, MA: Thursday, September 18th 6:00pm
  • What’s New in iOS 8 using Xamarin, with Xamarin’s Mike Bluestein 

Cape Town Xamarin Users Group za

  • Cape Town, South Africa: Thursday, September 18th 5:30pm
  • ASP .NET SignalR and Xamarin

FalafelCon us

Arizona-Xamarin  in

  • Tempe, Arizona: Thursday, September 25th 6:00pm
  • iOS & Android Animation

goto;conference  dk

  • Copenhagen, Denmark: Friday, September 26th
  • Xamarin’s James Montemagno will be presenting.

Expert Day  co

  • Bogota, Colombia: Saturday, September 27th
  • Presentation on Xamarin.Forms

goto;conference  dk

  • Aarhus, Denmark: Monday, September 29th
  • Xamarin’s James Montemagno will be presenting.

Xamarin events are always happening around the world, so if you don’t see your city listed above, be sure to also check out the Xamarin Events forum where new meetups are being added all the time. Additionally, don’t forget to follow our @XamarinEvents Twitter account to make sure you never miss an upcoming Xamarin event.

Don’t see a developer group in your area and want to get one started? We’re here to help! We have a tips and tricks guide on starting a developer group, our introduction to Xamarin slide deck, and of course our community sponsorship program to get you on your way. We also want to hear from you, so please feel free to send us an email or tweet @XamarinEvents so we can help spread the word and continue to grow the Xamarin community.



Jayme Singleton
Senior Program Manager C&AI

Proud Business Operations Program Manager at Microsoft for the global Xamarin & .NET Developer communities. Apart from managing developer content, Jayme also collaborates with Microsoft PM teams, MVPs, Community Leaders, and Event Coordinators to organize product launches, MVP Summit, Microsoft /Build, .NET Conf, and other corporate events through the year. You can find her living the "City Life" in New York, or traveling around the world, Carmen Sandiego-style.


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