June 19th, 2013

Introducing iOS 7 support


We have just published support for Apple’s upcoming iOS 7.

Installing Xamarin.iOS for iOS 7

Due to the fact that Apple’s SDK is under NDA, you must follow the following steps to install Xamarin.iOS for iOS 7:

  • Download and install the iOS 7 SDK from Apple’s iOS Developer Center.
  • Install it at the default location (do not change it).
  • In Xamarin Studio’s Preferences, set the Apple SDK location to point to the path of the new Xcode.
  • Switch the Xamarin Studio Updater channel to the “Alpha” channel.
  • Install the update.

If you do not have Apple’s iOS 7 SDK installed on your system, you won’t be able to download or install Xamarin.iOS when using the Alpha channel.

Getting Started

After installation, the release notes will open. The release notes contain a link to the API changes.

Known Issues

This is a Mac-only release: we are working on an update to our Visual Studio extension to take advantage of this — stay tuned.