February 9th, 2018

Top stories from the Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) community – 2018.02.02

Here are top stories we found in our streams this week related to DevOps, VSTS, TFS and other interesting topics.

TOP STORIES •Work can flow across the Sprint boundary – Martin Hinshelwood There is nothing in the Scrum Guide that says that you can’t have workflow across the Sprint boundary. I’m going to suggest that not only can you, but you should as long as you don’t endanger the Sprint Goal. •The trouble with Agile thinking – Oliver Smit Agile is not a thing you buy. Agile is a thing you are. •Value Stream Mapping for our VSTS Extensions – Hamid Shahid In this series of articles, I am going to talk about our approach for creating Value Stream Mapping and what are we doing in this space. •Who broke the build – VSTS to Slack – Mikkel Holck Madsen I decided to take things into my own hands, partly because I wanted to see how integrating to VSTS’s API was, and partly because we liked the Slack notifications, when they are proper done.