May 11th, 2018

Start developing on Windows 10 April 2018 Update today

We’re excited to announce that the Windows 10 April 2018 Update (build 17134.1) and SDK is now available. You may also know this as Windows 10, version 1803.

A few new features and APIs sure to become your favorites

Every major Windows 10 update always includes a wide range of APIs. These will surely be among your favorites. 1.Windows Machine Learning (WinML): WinML allows you to run ML ONNX models on any Windows 10 device on the April 2018 Update or greater. By just dragging your model into VS, loading the model, then executing it based on inputs, you can add machine learning into your application. If your model isn’t already in the ONNX format, there are converts for most formats. 2.Timeline, User Activities, and Adaptive Cards: User Activities and Timeline are amazing new ways for users to re-engage with your application and maintain context. To do your graphical representation, use Adaptive Cards, an open source card exchange format. Be sure your application has a URI schema, so you can enable deep linking. User Activities and Adaptive Cards will also become important APIs in Sets, which we’ll discuss more at Microsoft Build 2018. 3.New UX controls: Tree view, pull to refresh, and content links are just a few of the new controls added. These new controls can add new functionality and richness to your application. 4.Multi-instance for UWP applications: In the April 2018 update, you can create multi-instance applications. On top of launching new processes, it allows for customization in cases where you want to select whether a new instance of your app is launched or an instance that is already running is activated.
