September 26th, 2019

Watch the latest Visual Studio extensibility videos

Mads Kristensen
Principal Product Manager

We have been posting several short videos about Visual Studio extensibility to our YouTube channel in the past couple of months. We chose the topics for the first videos, but now it’s time for you to tell us what videos to record next.

The idea behind the short videos is to introduce extensibility concepts you may find useful. Perhaps you’ll even go ahead and implement some of them in your own extensions.

Often the concepts aren’t new but relatively unknown to Visual Studio extension authors. There’s always something to learn and we’ve found that short videos are a great way to show and tell.

If you haven’t yet, make sure to check out the first batch of extensibility related videos, which include:

Find these and more videos on the Visual Studio YouTube channel in the Tips & Tricks playlist.

What videos should we do next?

We’d love to make more videos about Visual Studio extensibility and could use your help to come up with the right topics. So, if you want us to make a video covering any specific topic, let us know in the comments below. Please remember that the topic should fit a 5-minute video format.


Mads Kristensen
Principal Product Manager

Mads Kristensen is a principal program manager on the Visual Studio team and has published over 150 free Visual Studio extensions. He blogs about anything related to Visual Studio and can often be found hosting various shows on the Visual Studio YouTube channel..


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  • Ben Medina

    I'd love to see some beginner topics:
    - How to create a new extension. Go through what project to pick, then explain what all boilerplate was generated for us.
    - How to add a menu item to Visual Studio. Getting it working, then show how to customize the text based on the current state of VS. Also show how to add to an existing menu in Visual Studio vs. creating your own entry in the...

    Read more
  • Yacar, Itai

    1. How to create designer to edit code file side-by-side (Like XAML designer)
    2. How to create UI testing for Visual Studio Extension (In particular for language services, such as goto definition and find all references)


  • Alberto T. Payero Mota

    1) How use Reporting Services from Azure Conteiner with a Blazor Aplication.
    2) Microsoft never show how make a little app. from the begining to end, will be nice if we see it. a) Desing layout, back end, front end, security with roles, etc.
    3) what tools for reporintg microft will do in the future or we always must locking for thirth party tools?

    best regards!

  • Yann Duran

    I’d like to see the exact CI/CD steps to publish an extension from Azure DevOps to the Marketplace.

  • Stefan Over

    Two topics I’d like to see covered:
    – How to execute any registered command from the code, or at least those provided by my extension.
    – Is there any API to edit a csproj or sqlproj without editing the file? Or is the only way to manipulate a project by editing the file? Is there at least any hard-coded model for csproj and sqlproj?

    • Wil Wilder Apaza Bustamante

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