We’re excited to announce the preview availability of the new Azure IoT Edge Tools Extension (Preview) for Visual Studio 2019. The extension provides a rich set of functionalities to support development of IoT Edge solutions with Visual Studio 2019:
- New Azure IoT Edge project targeting different platforms (Linux amd64, Linux arm32v7, Windows amd64)
- Add a new IoT Edge module (C#/C) to solution
- Edit, build and debug IoT Edge modules locally on your Visual Studio machine
- Build and push docker images of IoT Edge modules
- Run IoT Edge modules in a local or remote simulator
- Deploy IoT solutions to IoT Edge devices (with Cloud Explorer)
- Visual Studio 2019: “.NET desktop development” and “Azure development workload” workload installed; “Windows desktop development with C++” is needed if you plan to develop C modules
- Docker Desktop. You need to properly set the Docker CE running in Linux container mode or Windows container mode.
- To set up local development environment to debug, run, and test your IoT Edge solution, you need Azure IoT EdgeHub Dev Tool. Install Python (2.7/3.6), then install iotedgehubdev by running below command in your terminal. Make sure your Azure IoT EdgeHub Dev Tool version is greater than 0.8.0.
pip install --upgrade iotedgehubdev
There are two options to install the new extension:
- Download and install the new extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
- Alternatively, you can install the extension directly from within Visual Studio 2019 using the menu Extensions -> Manage Extensions. In the Manage Extensions window, select Online from the left panel and input edge in the search box on the top-right to search and download “Azure IoT Edge Tools for VS 2019 [Preview]”.
How to use this extension?
Please refer the following tutorials to get started: Use Visual Studio 2019 to develop and debug modules for Azure IoT Edge (Preview) Easily Develop and Debug Azure IoT Edge C Modules with Azure IoT Edge Tools Visual Studio Azure IoT Edge Tools document repo
Please don’t hesitate to give it a try! Your feedback and suggestions are very important for us to keep improving and making it even easier to develop your IoT applications. Please share your thoughts with us by suggesting a feature or reporting an issue in our Visual Studio Azure IoT Edge Tools repo.