Showing 71 - 80 of 115 results for “Work item search”

Team System Web Access 2008 SP1 CTP and Work Item Web Access 2008 CTP are now available

Hakan has announced the availability of the new TSWA community technology preview (CTP) in his post, What's New in TSWA 2008 SP1.  Personally, I would say this release is beta quality or better, so don't let the CTP designation scare you too much. Also released is the first CTP release of what we are calling Work Item Web Access (WIWA).&...

December 2011 TFS Power Tools Release

In the last release of the Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools we focused on improving the experience for developers in Visual Studio and using the Shell Extensions inside Windows Explorer.  Today we just released a new update of the Team Foundation Server Power Tools focusing on developers outside of Visual Studio with the following ...

The New Team Explorer in TFS 11

You’ve seen snippets of the new Team Explorer in previous posts I’ve done on version control improvements.   In this post, I’m going to focus on the new Team Explorer experience, talk a bit more about what overall changes we’ve made and why. You’ll recall that the Team Explorer window in TFS 2010 and before is a pretty standard ...

What's New in the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 11 Developer Preview

This post provides an overview of most (but I don't promise ALL!) of the new tools, features, and enhancements available in the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 11 Developer Preview: For a tutorial that illustrates several of these new features by following a fictitious team as they incrementally adopt Visual Studio as its ...

Use PowerShell to Search Active Directory Users’ Missing Values and Add Same

  Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to search Microsoft Active Directory for users that have missing values, and automatically add default values.   Hey, Scripting Guy! We have several network administrators where I work. Unfortunately, all of them have complete rights to Active Directory. This means that any one of the ...

Custom Controls in Work Item Types

Work Item Tracking Custom ControlsNote: This is draft documentation for the Team Foundation Server SP1 Beta. The contents of this article should not be considered as final.  All feedback is welcome.IntroductionThe Work Item Tracking Custom Controls mechanism provides a standard way to enhance T:Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking....

Hey, Scripting Guy! Weekend Scripter: Querying the Windows Search Index

  Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson here. I finally had time to play around with querying Windows Search from within Windows PowerShell. I tried, back during the beta of Windows Vista, to do that, but I was unable to get it to work. It has been on my mind and on the back burner for quite some time. Today, being a nice relaxed day—...