June 27th, 2017

PyData Seattle is next week!

Steve Dower
Software Engineer

Next week, we’ll be hosting PyData Seattle 2017 at Microsoft. Several hundred attendees, speakers and teachers will converge on our main conference center for three days of talks, tutorials, and other fun.

Microsoft Redmond campus. (Stephen Brashear/Getty Images)

What is PyData?

PyData is a regular conference that occurs all around the world multiple times every year. With a focus on data science, and an abundance of Python, it is one of the most relevant conferences in our field at the moment.

Sponsored by NumFOCUS, PyData conferences showcase the latest developments in libraries, tools, practices and services, presented by the developers and practitioners who create and use them. Many significant projects such as Jupyter, NumPy, pandas, Software Carpentry, and more are fiscally supported by NumFOCUS and have a presence at PyData.

How can I join in?

PyData Seattle has an amazing lineup of sessions this year. Registration is still open, but if you can’t make it to Redmond, Washington next week, we have another exciting option.

For the first time in PyData history, we will be livestreaming the keynotes and a selection of sessions during the conference (thanks to the support of the Channel 9 team)!

PyData Seattle 2017, July 6-7

As usual, every session will be recorded and published on YouTube after the conference, but the livestream will have additional content, interviews, and the opportunity to participate in Q&A using Twitter – in fact, all Q&A for the livestreamed sessions will be using Twitter, so you get to participate just as much as the people in the room.

Thursday and Friday of track 1 on the schedule will be broadcast, including the sessions below. We will also have some more informal chats with the people behind the PyData Seattle conference, and some of the projects represented there.

What should I do right now?

To prepare for the livestream, you can do the following today:

  • Bookmark our livestream page
  • Follow @PyDataSeattle on Twitter
  • Set a reminder for Thursday 6th July at 8:30am to make your beverage of choice, grab some snacks, and settle in for the start of PyData Seattle!

See you next week!

Livestreamed Sessions

See the schedule for updates.

Thursday 6th July

Friday 7th July



Steve Dower
Software Engineer

Steve is an engineer who tells people about Python and then gives them excuses to use it and great tools to use it with. He is a core contributor and Windows expert for CPython, and works at Microsoft making sure Python developers are well supported across Windows, Azure, and other Microsoft platforms.


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