The following are the steps required to install IoTEdge on JetPack 4.2 (tested and known to work on the Jetson TX-2 development board). I have also included a number of tips on working with IoT Edge in this environment.
After flashing from a 16.04 machine using nvidia sdk –
Update numpy in python 3 for CV2
OpenCV works with Python 3 in Jetpack 4.2 so that is good, but it requires that numpy be updated for Python 3 (at the time this was written). Follow these steps:
- sudo apt install python3-pip
- pip3 install -U numpy
Install docker by following directions
[ Note that this assumes you are setting up a development environment. If you are setting up for production, install Moby by following the instructions at just before the installation of IoT Edge ]
For more of Mark’s post, you can read here.