June 14th, 2019

Install IoT Edge on the Jetson TX2 running JetPack version 4.2

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

After flashing from a 16.04 machine using nvidia sdk –

Update numpy in python 3 for CV2

OpenCV works with Python 3 in Jetpack 4.2 so that is good, but it requires that numpy be updated for Python 3 (at the time this was written). Follow these steps:

  1. sudo apt install python3-pip
  2. pip3 install -U numpy

Install docker by following directions

[ Note that this assumes you are setting up a development environment.  If you are setting up for production, install Moby by following the instructions at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/how-to-install-iot-edge-linux-arm just before the installation of IoT Edge ]https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#prerequisites

For more of Mark’s post, you can read here.



Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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