August 11th, 2022

Updates on controlling app specific access on specific SharePoint sites (Sites.Selected)

In February 2021, we announced a new permission to grant Microsoft Graph applications access to specific site collections. Using Sites.Selected along with the Sites permissions endpoint in Microsoft Graph allows you to set the specific site collections and access level you want to grant to individual applications. There are two things we’d like to provide an update on today, using Sites.Selected for legacy SharePoint APIs, and the availability and supported status of this feature.

Sites.Selected for SharePoint CSOM / REST

Although we are Microsoft Graph forward in our plans and direction, we recognize that many of you are still leveraging capabilities from our legacy APIs in SharePoint CSOM or REST. To ease the transition to Microsoft Graph and allow for hybrid scenarios to take advantage of the new permission we have added the Sites.Selected permission to be available for SharePoint permissions as well.

Image sitesselected

To take advantage of Sites.Selected for SharePoint APIs you will still need to use the Microsoft Graph API for setting the app permissions, however once set the permissions apply to access through either Microsoft Graph or SharePoint legacy APIs.

The workflow can generally be considered:

  1. In application registration request Sites.Selected permission for either or both Microsoft Graph or SharePoint
  2. Use Microsoft Graph Permissions endpoint point on Sites to configure the access you require
  3. Make API calls as normal in your client application


Availability and supportability status

We have received several inquiries about the release status of Sites.Selected. For those who may be concerned, we would like to clarify that Sites.Selected and the Permissions API for Sites are both fully Generally Available and supported for use. This applies to both Microsoft Graph and SharePoint legacy API usage.

For more information on using Sites.Selected, you can check out our original announcement, or watch this video by Paolo Pialorsi (PiaSys) taken from the Microsoft 365 Platform Community call recording.


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  • Piotr Siatka

    Is it supported to execute search calls against SharePoint with Sites.Selected??
