We have started taking steps to replace the existing preview WorkingWith API (https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/WorkingWith) by the new People API.
We recommend that customers and partners transition their solutions to the preview version of the People API (https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/people).
What is the People API?
The People API aggregates information about a person from across mail, contacts and social networks. People can be local contacts, contacts from social networking, your organization’s directory, and people from recent communications (such as email and Skype).
Read more here: https://developer.microsoft.com/graph/docs/api-reference/beta/resources/person
Browse for the people who matter most to you
The People API dynamically ranks people based on their relevance to the logged-in user. A person 10 hops away in the organization may be highly relevant.
Browse for people related to people
Who does your manager work with? Security and privacy are always preserved.
Search for people
Search results ranked on relevancy. The People API supports fuzzy matching for misspelled names and phonetic search. Topics can augment search query to get more relevant results.
Why is the WorkingWith API superseded by the People API?
The People API currently has more complete and richer AD metadata from users compared with the small subset available in the WorkingWith API, aggregates contacts and directory users and support search.
There is also a relevant ranking in the results for the new API, meaning that the most relevant people for the target user will be ranked on the top. This ranking is built by using the user’s communication, collaboration, and business relationships.
The WorkingWith preview API, and all the related documentation, will be removed from the MS Graph before the end of the 2016.