March 30th, 2021

Microsoft Graph Java SDK v3 adds enhanced capabilities with general availability

The Microsoft Graph SDKs are designed to simplify building high-quality, efficient and resilient applications accessing Microsoft Graph. Taking advantage of the Microsoft Graph Java SDK, your application benefits automatic retry handling, secure redirects, transparent authentication, payload compression, large files upload and much more. 

Today, we’re announcing the general availability (GA) of Microsoft Graph Java SDK v3. This version includes features and improvements detailed in our public preview blog post. 

In addition to the breaking changes mentioned in the preview version, this GA release includes a new minor breaking change that may impact your application. To align the SDK design specifications and clarify the intent of the class, the ChunckedUploadProvider has been renamed as LargeFileUploadTask. 

Check out this GitHub post to access a detailed upgrade guide with further details of those improvements. 

Try out the new version today! 

Try out this new version today and let us know what you thinkFollow these instructions to add the new SDK to your project. 


Edit the “build.gradle” file of your project to contain the following entries. 

In the “repositories” section: 


In the “dependencies” section: 

implementation ' 

implementation '


In the “pom.xml” file under the dependencies node: 




  <version>3.0.0 </version> 


Check out the updated documentation.

We would like to thank all of the community members who tried the preview version and provided valuable feedback to help us make this new release the best version of the Java SDK yet! 

Today’s post is written by Vincent Biret and Maisa Rissi.

