March 7th, 2022

End-of-service for SharePoint Online Machine Translation Service and APIs

In September 2018, we announced that Machine Translation Services for variations will be deprecated but supported for SharePoint Online sites. Now, the time has come to completely retire and end support for Machine Translation Services (MTS). MTS will be fully unsupported and any current instances of variations or APIs using this service in your Microsoft 365 environment will no longer be available by the end of July 2022.

Once this change takes effect, all existing instances of variations using Machine Translation Service and APIs will lose their multilingual functionality. This means that as of August 2022, customers will have a degraded experience or will be unable to view content in their preferred language on SharePoint sites.

If the organization you support have already stopped using Machine Translation Service variations and APIs, no further action is needed.

How to create multilingual sites and pages moving forward

Use modern communication sites which can be translated into other languages and includes options to translate user interface elements like site navigation, site title, and site description which can be shown in the user’s preferred language. Additionally, you can provide pages and news posts on communication sites that you translate and that are shown in the user’s preferred language. Alternatively, you can use Azure translation APIs.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Is the API completely removed or just updated?

This API is getting updated. We will remove one dependency of this API (msoserver.dll) due to a framework upgrade. As of August 2022, when this API gets called it will return an exception.

Q: Which CSOM NuGet version of this API will be removed?

The API won’t be removed for backward combability. However, calling it will trigger exceptions.



1 comment

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  • Martin Laplante

    Will machine translation of term sets also be affected?
