September 17th, 2007

Tip/Trick: ASP.NET Mobile Development with Visual Studio 2008

If you are using Visual Studio 2008, you might have noticed that it doesn’t have item templates for ASP.NET Mobile Web Forms (which were previously available in Visual Studio 2003).  

To help users with this scenario, I’ve created the following item templates for ASP.NET Web Site and ASP.NET Web Application projects:

  • Mobile Web Form
  • Mobile Web User Control
  • Mobile Web Configuration File

The templates are available in both VB and C# versions.

One limitation users should be aware of is the Design View in Visual Studio 2008, which is based on a completely new archtecure, does not display ASP.NET mobile controls.  However, using these templates you should be able to develop ASP.NET Mobile applicaitons using the Source View just fine.

Once installed, these templates enable users to create and edit new ASP.NET Mobile Web Forms in ASP.NET Web Site and ASP.NET Web Applicaiton project types.

To install these templates download the attachment included in this post, extract the ZIP file, and follow the instructions in the included readme.txt files.

Happy mobile development!

– Omar Khan
Group Program Manager
Visual Web Developer

ASP.NET Mobile


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