March 24th, 2015

Introducing Azure API Apps

Jeffrey Fritz
Principal Program Manager

As part of the Azure SDK 2.5.1 release, a new feature called Azure API Apps were included.  This new feature raises the capabilities of ASP.NET Web API, extending it with Swagger metadata while providing a simple to manage interface in the Azure Portal.  Extend your API with authentication and no code changes, or generate an SDK for your API with a few clicks.  A full definition of API Apps and their capabilities is available in the online Azure documentation. Video coverage of the API Apps announcement with Scott Guthrie is available online:

Let’s take a quick look at some concepts, with links to more information.

  • API Apps live in an App Gateway.  This gateway manages add-on functionality such as authentication and update policies for the API.  A gateway resides on a single host.


  • Gateways are contained within a standard Azure Resource Group.
  • API Apps can use connectors to access SaaS (software as a service) platforms such as Office 365 and Salesforce.
  • When you create an Azure API App in Visual Studio, you can review the Swagger metadata for your app by navigating a web browser to the default web location of /swagger/docs/v1 in your compiled and running project.

Given the following ASP.NET API Controllers:

The following swagger format is output:

We have a complete tutorial online demonstrating how to get started defining your first API, publishing the API so that others can re-deploy it, and finally deploy the API so that you can consume it.

There is a lot of coverage of the introduction of our new Web App platform, you can learn more at the following links:

If you have an active Azure subscription, navigate over to the Azure Portal and try the new API Apps.  If you are new to Azure and don’t yet have a subscription, you can try Azure App Service for free with no credit card and no commitment needed.


Jeffrey Fritz
Principal Program Manager

Jeff Fritz is a principal program manager in Microsoft’s Developer Division working on the .NET Community Team. Four days a week, you can catch Jeff hosting a live video stream called 'Fritz and Friends' at


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