June 1st, 2009

Free Web Hosting to try ASP.NET 4 Beta1, VS 2010 Beta1 and MS Web Deployment Tool RC1

Today we are announcing the availability of FREE HOSTING accounts for web developers to try out the new feature sets of Visual Studio 2010 Beta1, ASP.NET 4 Beta1 and Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (MsDeploy) RC1…

VS 2010 has great set of features on deploying web applications seamlessly…   One of the key features is the ability to publish your web application from VS 2010 to a remote hosted web server along with its dependencies like SQL Server database using “Web 1-Click Publish”…  VS 2010 integrates Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (MsDeploy.exe) to provide fast, reliable and cohesive way of deploying web application… Learn more about Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Features

Apart from the web deployment feature set there are various other interesting features in ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 including enhancements in ASP.NET Core Services, AJAX, Web Forms, Dynamic Data, VS Web Designer and Editor…  To learn more about them check out ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 white paper…  VS 2010 and ASP 4 Beta1 release does not come with ASP.NET MVC yet, but we plan to include it in the near future…

To allow you to try out all these cool features and deploy the ASP.NET Web Application using Web 1-Click Publish OrcsWeb and DiscountASP are providing free trial accounts (as long as they last :-))…

Before I share the links to get the free trial account there are few important points to note:

  • Visual Studio 2010 Beta1 (which comes with ASP.NET 4 Beta1 , Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (MsDeploy) RC1 and SQL Server 2008 Express Edition) is available to download for FREE from http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010/default.mspx
  • Read the Step by Step Walkthrough on Web 1-Click Publish with VS 2010 this will help you get started easily…
  • These free trial accounts are provisioned with IIS 7 Web Site plus SQL Server 2008 database (and yes the database hosting is also FREE :-))
  • ASP.NET 4 Beta1 DOES NOT come with “Go Live” license… These accounts are sandboxed environments for you to try new technologies, please do not host production applications on these accounts…
  • The free trial accounts are slotted to expire by October 31st 2009 so you have reasonable amount to try out the new technologies…

So without any further delay let me share the links which will tell you how to grab one of these free accounts…  Click on the images below and get one for yourself before they run out:

image    OR  image

We want to hear from you about your feedback, thoughts, ideas on the new feature set; please feel free to use any of the below mechanisms to share your feedback…

  1. Visit Visual Studio 2010 Beta1 and ASP.NET 4 Beta1 Forum
  2. Write comments here, other announce or my blog
  3. Follow on Twitter with #1ClickPublish

I hope you will use this offer and try out the new fascinating technologies coming down the pipeline… Enjoy!!

Vishal R. Joshi | Visual Web Developer | http://vishaljoshi.blogspot.com



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