Today, we are releasing a new set of reliability and quality updates for .NET Core 1.0. This month’s update is our second Long Term Support (LTS) update and includes updated versions of multiple packages in .NET Core, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core. We recommend everyone on the 1.0.* LTS track move to this update immediately.
How to Obtain the Updates
- Download and install the .NET Core version 1.0.3 Runtime or SDK
- Update dependencies in your applications to the latest patch version for 1.0
.NET Core 1.0.3 Fixes
For more information on the change, please see the .NET Core 1.0.3 release notes.
- Visual Studio Remote Debugger with CoreCLR executables on Nano server does not work. 7316
- Generate symbol packages for CoreCLR binaries. 5832
WinHttpHandler Fixes:
- Nonstandard HTTP authentication responses. 11452, 11456
- Basic authentication with default credentials. 11266
- Uri escaping for HTTP requests. 11156
- WinHttpRequestState objects leak during HTTP resends. 11693
ASP.NET Core Fixes
- Exception page showing only method names in the call stack. 335
- ActionResults returned from controller actions rendered as JSON, instead of executed. 5344
- Html.ValidationSummary helper throwing exception when model binding a collection. 5157
- WebHost.Run() completes before ApplicationStopping. 873
- AntiForgeryValidation attribute conflict with CookieAuthenticationEvents OnRedirectToLogin event handler. 1009
- UvException (Error -4047 EPIPE broken pipe) timing out HTTP requests. 1208, 1207
- UserSecrets causes design-time tools to crash. 543
Entity Framework Core Fixes
- Query: Regression: GroupBy multiple keys throws exception in 1.0.1. 6620
- Select with Ternary Operator/CASE-WHEN Server Side Evaluation. 6598
- Query: Including a collection doesn’t close the connection. 6581
- Query: Take() with Include() generates incorrect SQL. 6530
- Query: Include() for related collections are dropped when use Skip(). 6492
- Query: Port Include() performance improvement to 1.0.2. 6760
- Tools: Better ConfigureDesignTimeServices entry point. 5617
- Query: Entities not being released due to leak in query caching. 6737
F# Changes
- Update to all dotnet new templates ( web/console/lib/xunittest )
- Added dotnet new ASP.NET Core template ( dotnet new -l fsharp -t web )
- Added dotnet new XUnit test library template ( dotnet new -l fsharp -t xunittest )
If you are having trouble, we want to know about it. Please report issues on GitHub issue – 391.
Thanks to everyone who reported issues and contributed!