August 24th, 2012

Customizing the login UI when using OAuth/OpenID

In the last post I showed how you can plug in your own OAuth/OpenID provider. This post shows you how you can pass in extra data about the provider such as display name, image etc and use this information when building up the UI for login screen


If you see the experience of login screen in the ASP.NET templates, it looks like this.

Let’s see how can we customize this UI to look like the following

Web Forms

  • Pass in extra data in App_StartAuthConfig.cs when registering the provider as follows
                appId: "your Facebook app id",
                appSecret: "your Facebook app secret",

                  extraData: new { Icon = “~/Images/facebook.png” }

  • Access this data in the View(in the WebForms Internet template case it is AccountOpenAuthProviders.ascx
<img src="<%# Item.ExtraData["Icon"] %>" alt="Alternate Text" />



  • Pass in extra data in App_StartAuthConfig.cs when registering the provider as follows
Dictionary<string, object> FacebooksocialData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            FacebooksocialData.Add("Icon", "~/Images/facebook.png");
                appId: "someid",
                appSecret: "somesecret",
                displayName: "Facebook",
                extraData: FacebooksocialData);
  • Access this data in the View(in the MVC Internet template case it is ViewsAccount_ExternalLoginsListPartial


 @foreach (AuthenticationClientData p in Model)
            <img src="@p.ExtraData["Icon"]" alt="Icon for @p.DisplayName" />



  • In _AppStart.cshtml


Dictionary<string, object> FacebooksocialData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            FacebooksocialData.Add("Icon", "~/Images/facebook.png");
                appId: "empty",
                appSecret: "empty",
                displayName: "Facebook",
                extraData: FacebooksocialData);


  • Access this data in the View(in the webpages template case it is Account_ExternalLoginsListPartial
 @foreach (AuthenticationClientData p in Model)
            <img src="@p.ExtraData["Icon"]" alt="Icon for @p.DisplayName" />

Cross posted to

Pranav Rastogi | @rustd



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