June 30th, 2015

ASP.NET Community Standup – June 30, 2015

Jeffrey Fritz
Principal Program Manager

This is the first in a series of blog post that will cover the topics discussed in the ASP.NET Community Standup.  The community standup is a short video with some of the leaders of the ASP.NET development teams to discuss the accomplishments of the team on the new ASP.NET 5 framework over the previous week.  Within 30 minutes, Scott Hanselman, Damian Edwards, Jon Galloway and an occasional guest or two discuss new features and ask for feedback on important decisions being made by the ASP.NET development teams.

Each week the standup is hosted live on Google Hangouts and the team publishes the recorded video of their discussion to YouTube for later reference.

This week’s meeting is below:

This week’s discussion covered the following points:

  • Scott is installing a new Windows 10 build that is publicly available and a new beta5 build of ASP.NET 5
  • Damian recommends that updating ASP.NET 5 from one beta version to another can break significantly.  It is fixable, but the beta builds still contains APIs that may change significantly.
  • The announcement of the ASP.NET 5 beta 5 release is available earlier on this blog.
  • ASP.NET 4.6 will be a complete release with VIsual Studio 2015 on July 20.  Only the ASP.NET 5 tools and runtimes will be shipped in beta form.
  • Damian explained that the configuration option during the Visual Studio setup for ‘Web Tools’ are the WTE or Web Tooling Extension. The ASP.NET team would like to be able to ship this in the future out-of-band, similar to how updates are delivered in the extension gallery or in the NuGet gallery.  Damian promised more planning on this feature delivery option.
  • Damian clarified for Scott that the version of WTE can be found in the ‘About Visual Studio’ menu option. The ASP.NET and Web Tools are listed on this dialog with the version number clearly defined.
  • The team discussed the option of a weekly WTE feed for those that want to help test features.  The team promised to discuss this further and report back to the standup.
  • Damian has the following schedule tentatively defined for ASP.NET 5:
    • Beta 6 – end of July 2015
    • Beta 7 – end of August 2015
    • Beta 8 – end of September 2015
    • Release Candidate – late fall 2015 – Damian warns that this could be completely inaccurate as it is 6 months into the future.
  • A Release Candidate (RC) contains a Go-Live license that is production-ready with Microsoft Support available
  • Current versions of ASP.NET 5 source code are available under the Apache license and you are welcome to use without any support provided
  • Jon recommends watching the ASP.NET Announcement repository for completed changes to the framework.
  • Damian reinforced that the goal of ASP.NET 5 is to deliver a framework that provides a very capable production environment on Mac, Linux, and Windows
  • During the community link discussion, Damian commented about the ASP.NET tool acquisition strategy is typically different for the less polished frameworks on Mac and Linux. We are planning to ensure that the ASP.NET delivery strategy will allow developers to choose if they would like an installer or would like to ‘install by hand’

Community Links

Q & A

Scott questions if we should expect the average developer should be ready to update ASP.NET frameworks using the command-line and handle changes.  Damian clarified that there is no one-click upgrade story in short term, and these changes will be announced on this blog.

A viewer named Jesse asked for a clarification of the ‘Go Live’ license.  Damian clarified that this is a legal agreement with Microsoft called an End-User License Agreement that dictates that the framework should not be used in a production environment.  You are welcome to download the code from GitHub and use it under the terms of the Apache license.  Paid support is only provided by Microsoft on products with a Go Live license.

Damian admitted some fears of Australian flora and fauna, but is not afraid of Mac OSX.  He is still learning to use Mac OSX more efficiently, and Scott has some recommendations for him.



Jeffrey Fritz
Principal Program Manager

Jeff Fritz is a principal program manager in Microsoft’s Developer Division working on the .NET Community Team. Four days a week, you can catch Jeff hosting a live video stream called 'Fritz and Friends' at live.jeffreyfritz.com.


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