May 28th, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.05.28

Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Happy Friday, DevOps Friends! Hope you had a great Microsoft Build, I know I did. I really enjoyed a lot of the great sessions, Ask The Experts, and of course keynotes that were broadcast throughout the week. One of my favorite sessions was Ask the Experts: Infra as Code – Bicep that featured Microsoft CVP Brendan Burns and Program manager Alex Frankel. If you want to learn more about this Azure Infrastructure as Code, I really recommend watching the recording of this Ask The Experts session.

Let’s see what’s new this week in the Azure DevOps Community, shall we?

Exploring Azure DevOps APIs SharePoint Europe gives us a look into utilizing the Azure DevOps REST APIs to interact with your data and access all the Azure DevOps features.

Promoting Container Images to Production using Azure DevOps Dinesh provides his best practices to deploying images from dev to prod in this tutorial.

Autoscaling Azure Pipelines agents with KEDA In this blog post, Troy discusses how to best autoscale self-hosted Azure Pipelines agents across your Kubernetes clusters.

Publish application build version via Azure DevOps Pipeline Learn how to notify your users when an application has been deployed with help from the File Creator extension for Azure Pipelines.

How to: Create Service Connections Dashboard on Azure DevOps Vinicius Moura shows how to create a report that will list all Service Connections on each Team Project within Azure DevOps.

Azure Build Pipelines ProTip #1 – Customize git checkout This blog post looks to provide you with some quick insight into how to get control over your git checkout in Azure DevOps.

Thank you to our entire community for always providing us with great new DevOps content!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Jay Gordon is a Senior Program Manager with Azure Cosmos DB focused on reaching developer communities. Jay is located in Brooklyn, NY.


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