April 24th, 2020

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2020.04.24

Steven Murawski
Principal Cloud Advocate

Happy Friday! We’ve made it to the end of April (next week’s post is May 1st!). It hasn’t been the easiest week, but thanks to this community I have some great reading for the weekend. From deciding what build pipeline to create to tackling problems like updating variables to troubleshooting hung builds or misplaced build artifacts to getting ready to deploy containerized applications, there is a little something for everyone here.

Azure DevOps: Update release variables across stages
Rob shows us how he tackled updating variables across stages and jobs in classic pipelines.

Azure Pipelines: Classic Editor VS. YAML
Not sure if you should use the classic pipeline editor or move to YAML build definitions? Marcus breaks it down for us.

What to do when your build hangs on the Hosted Pool…
Ever wish you could see what the desktop looks like on your build agent? Especially when something goes wrong? Jesse shows us a way to get a screenshot of what the desktop of the build agent looks like – great for troubleshooting, but just cool to see.

Azure DevOps Publish and Download Artifacts
Sometimes things just don’t click together as we expect. Alessandro shares his experience where the artifact download location didn’t match his expectation – and how to fix that.

Deploy a Dockerized Application to Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure YAML Pipelines 4 – Running a Dockerized Application Locally
Graham is just over halfway through a series on deploying containerized applications to Azure Kubernetes Service via Azure Pipelines. Get caught up and join me in waiting for the next in the series!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Steven Murawski
Principal Cloud Advocate

Steven Murawski is a Principal Cloud Advocate focused on Cloud Native Open Source. Steven is a founding member of the League of Extraordinary Cloud DevOps Advocates). Steven has worked on both the Dev and Ops sides of the house, most recently as a Principal Engineer at Chef, building tools for operating applications and infrastructure at scale and velocity.


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