January 24th, 2020

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2020.01.24

Sasha Rosenbaum
Senior Program Manager

This week was the week of the first-ever DeliveryConf event, where we tried a new format aimed to encourage the audience participation, and the sharing of insights between professionals working with different technologies in the same space. We’ve learned a lot!

The theme of this week’s community round-up is “even the best tools won’t deliver value if they aren’t well documented”. Reading the blogs, I am certainly happy that our documentation is open-source, and that our community contributes both to the official docs, and to the wealth of the external content on Azure DevOps usage!

Azure DevOps YAML build pipeline : Where is checkout?
Switching from the GUI to YAML isn’t always straightforward, and sometimes the Azure DevOps team needs to have multiple iterations on the user experience before it becomes intuitive. In this post, Kenichiro Nakamura shares his impressions from switching to YAML and hunting for the repository checkout settings in Azure YAML Pipelines. Thank you, Kenichiro!

Azure Repos Policy Settings Issue
In this post, Rob Bos investigates an odd Azure Repos Policy issue – being able to set up the policy from the get-go, but unable to change it later on. Are you curious as to what could cause this strange behavior? Find out in Rob’s blog!

Quick tips when developing and publishing extensions for Azure DevOps
It is interesting how even the most detailed docs don’t always provide those little bits of advice you wish you had when just starting out. In this post, Damien Aicheh shares some tips for streamlining developing, debugging and publishing Azure DevOps extensions. Thank you for sharing what you’ve learned from experience, Damien!

Introduction To YAML Pipeline Jobs
In this 18-minute video, Mickey Gousset walks us through an introduction to Azure YAML pipeline jobs, with a focus on dependencies and timeouts. Thank you for a detailed guide, Mickey!

DeliveryConf 2020
The DeliveryConf event is a wrap, and you can already find some of the videos on the YouTube channel. Check out the talks and the lively discussions on the future of Continuous Delivery, Azure DevOps, GitHub actions, PowerShell and so much more!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Sasha Rosenbaum
Senior Program Manager

Sasha is a Program Manager on the Azure DevOps engineering team, focused on improving the alignment of the product with open source software. Sasha is a co-organizer of the DevOps Days Chicago conference, and recently published a book on Serverless computing in Azure with .NET.


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