August 23rd, 2019

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.08.23

Sasha Rosenbaum
Senior Program Manager

This week is the last week before DevOpsDays Chicago – a conference I help organize. I am really looking forward to spending two days with the Chicago tech community, learning about our common challenges and success stories. We can always aspire to help each other thrive, no matter which company and background we come from.

The Chicago event is sold out, but if you are interested in such events, there may be a DevOpsDays conference near you. And, of course, we will share the talk recordings online in the future.

In the meantime, here are some great blogs from the Azure DevOps community to entertain you over the weekend!

Sample report for Azure DevOps
In this short post, Gian Maria Ricci shows the integration between Azure DevOps and PowerBI, using an OData query that connects to our REST API. This integration greatly extends our reporting capabilities, and gives you full flexibility in terms of what data you choose to consume, and the ways you visualize it!

AzureDevOps: CICD for PowerBI Reports
And it isn’t just that PowerBI can extend Azure DevOps capabilities. The opposite is also true! In this post, Jayendran Arumugam creates a CI/CD pipeline for PowerBI reports using Azure DevOps. Nice work getting the whole process automated!

Azure DevOps YAML build for Mono Repository with multiple projects
As microservices are growing ever more popular, companies have to manage increasing numbers of repositories and pipelines per product. While this gives you logical separation and true independence for each service, it can become difficult to manage. One of the suggested solutions is having a single repository “to rule them all” – a mono-repo. While a mono-repo may or may not be the right choice for your product, moving to one is an interesting challenge to tackle. In this blog, Bojan Nikolic tells us about his adventures while moving from 40 “microservice” repositories to a mono-repo, and configuring the corresponding builds in Azure YAML Pipelines.

Azure DevOps Agents as Container Instances
If you need an easier way to create custom Build Agent images, I am sure you considered the possibility of running Azure Pipelines on containers. In this post, Ben Gelens describes the process of configuring Azure Pipelines Agents to run on Azure Container Instances (ACI) for both Linux and Windows containers. This way, you can speed up your Builds by spinning up agents with all the dependencies already installed!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Sasha Rosenbaum
Senior Program Manager

Sasha is a Program Manager on the Azure DevOps engineering team, focused on improving the alignment of the product with open source software. Sasha is a co-organizer of the DevOps Days Chicago conference, and recently published a book on Serverless computing in Azure with .NET.


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