November 16th, 2018

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2018.11.16

Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

Happy Friday! Sure you’re getting ready to call it a day and start enjoying your weekend, but before you do, don’t miss these excellent articles about DevOps on the Microsoft platform.

Introducing the Azure Blockchain Development Kit What does Blockchain have to do with DevOps? The new Azure Blockchain Development Kit has samples for how to use blockchain to enable a number of scenarios and – of course – examples on how to develop blockchain applications with an eye toward CI/CD in consortium environments.

Microsoft Connect(); 2018 Microsoft Connect is coming December 4 – a completely online, fully virtual event to talk about software development on Azure, with Visual Studio and enabling AI and ML. I’ll be there – will you?

Azure Webinar: Go from Code to Cloud This webinar will introduce you to DevOps workflows in Azure, and how you can automate software delivery to deploy, monitor and manage applications in the cloud.

Automated E2E Tests With Selenium And Aspnet Core On Azure DevOps Rémi Bourgarel has end-to-end tests with Selenium WebDriver for his project, Toss. And he shows you how to set up an Azure Pipeline that runs his Selenium tests for continuous integration testing.

Tips on granular migrations with the Migration Tools for Azure DevOps Matteo Emili has some tips and tricks based on his experience using the Migration Tools for performing large migrations between TFS and Azure DevOps instances, and especially how to do granular migrations without downtime.

Lynda: Learning Azure DevOps Whether you’re just getting started with Azure DevOps or you want to level up, this new training course by Jose Miguel Rady Allende is a great way to learn the complete breadth of all the Azure DevOps products.

Did you write an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure? Let me know! I’m @ethomson on Twitter.



Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

Edward Thomson is a Program Manager for Azure DevOps, where he ensures that customers are successful with Git, CI/CD and DevOps concepts. Before becoming a Program Manager, he was a Software Engineer at GitHub and Microsoft working on Git tools.


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