October 31st, 2012

Team Foundation Service is out of Preview

Aaron Bjork
Principal Group Program Manager

Earlier this morning at the Build conference here in Redmond we announced that Team Foundation Service is now out of Preview!  The new URL for the service is http://tfs.visualstudio.com. You can read about the changes here: http://tfs.visualstudio.com/en-us/pricing/information/

With this change, your accounts are now accessible at http://.visualstudio.com.  The old tfspreview.com domain will continue to work for the foreseeable future, but you should plan on starting to use the new URL. 

One difference is that you’ll need to type the full URL (ex: https://aaronbjork.visualstudio.com) of your account into the Add Team Foundation Server dialog in Visual Studio.  Notice that you need to use https:// as well.  We’ll make this a bit easier with our first VS Update, but I wanted to call it so that nobody is tripped up by it.


It’s an exciting day!  Thanks to everyone for the feedback you’ve provided along the way. 

Aaron Bjork



Aaron Bjork
Principal Group Program Manager


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