April 5th, 2021

AzureFunBytes – Intro to Cosmos DB with Mark Brown

Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Every week on AzureFunBytes, we try to introduce you to the technology, tools, processes, and practices that make up the fundamentals of Azure. This week we’ll discuss how to get your data fast, with nearly any programming language, and distributed across the globe with Cosmos DB.

Cosmos DB is Azure’s fully managed, multi-model NoSQL database for your apps, data science, and nearly whatever purpose you may need for querying non-relational data sets. You can work at PLANET scale by replicating your data across multiple regions with single-digit millisecond response times. You’ll be able to work with key-value, column family, document, and graph data all from Cosmos DB. Access using popular APIs such as SQL, MongoDB, Gremlin, Cassandra, and Table. Make use of SDKs for your favorite programming language.

This time I am joined by Mark Brown, Principal Product Manager for the Cosmos DB team. He’ll provide me with some great insight into how, when, where, and why to use Cosmos DB. We take questions, listen to comments, and hopefully get you all the new information you can use on Cosmos DB including their upcoming Cosmos DB Conf April 20-21st, 2021.

Mark covers big ideas like request units, consistency, the .NET SDK, and a ton more! This is an extremely informative and fun session!

02:02 – Intro
06:16 – Mark’s role at Microsoft
10:00 – Cosmos DB Conf
12:06 – What is Cosmos DB?
15:06 – Provisioned throughput
21:30 – Will we see a serverless db free tier?
26:19 – PACELC Theorem
30:13 – RPO and RTO
35:00 – Cosmos DB and Visual Studio Code
36:59 – Demo!
43:59 – Azure Function and Cosmos DB
51:00 – Change feed

Learn about Azure fundamentals with me! You can also find the recordings here as well:

AzureFunBytes on Twitch
AzureFunBytes on Twitter
AzureFunBytes on YouTube
Azure DevOps YouTube Channel

Useful Docs:

Microsoft Azure: $200 Free Credit
Try Cosmos DB for free
Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB
Getting started with SQL queries
Introduction to the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API
Azure Cosmos DB’s API for MongoDB
Introduction to Gremlin API in Azure Cosmos DB
Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB: Table API
Cosmos DB Emulator
Code and Demos


Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Jay Gordon is a Senior Program Manager with Azure Cosmos DB focused on reaching developer communities. Jay is located in Brooklyn, NY.


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