October 20th, 2022

Azure DevOps Roadmap update

Gloridel Morales
Senior Technical Program Manager

Last week we made significant updates to our product roadmap. We published the latest features for 2022, updated the list of features for 2023, and included an initiatives section that provides details about the product strategy and long-term investments.

image showing initiatives

In addition to including a new list of key features and initiatives, we also updated where we host details for each item in the roadmap. Previously, we were sharing details for a particular item in a public roadmap project in Azure DevOps. Now, you can navigate to the All features section of the roadmap to drill into details for each feature.

image showing all features

Below are a few noteworthy items for 2022 Q4.

Azure Boards

Azure Pipelines


Test Plans

We would love for you to take a look at our roadmap updates and let us know what you think – both about the initiatives and features themselves, and about the format changes. We value your feedback and will use it to continue improving.

image showing roadmap feedback


Gloridel Morales
Senior Technical Program Manager

Gloridel is a Senior Technical Program Manager on the Azure DevOps team.


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  • Gregory Suvalian

    Azure DevOps was on chopping block for last several years based on inconsistent information we received from Microsoft after GitHub acquisition. May be Microsoft needs to come out and make a straight statement what is future for Azure DevOps vs GitHub

    • Bjego

      A couple of days ago there was a blog post about the “strong interest in azure devops” – but honestly I don’t belevie that. Almost all features from Azure DevOps have been migrated to github – many features from Github won’t appear in Azure DevOps. So I think Azure DevOps is a dead product! I mean codespaces have been shipped to github, azure defender for containers only github, dependabot only github… And many more. Interesting that soo many security releavant tools haven’t been shipped to Azure DevOps especially as it was an enterprise platform in the past..

      • Michael Taylor

        I disagree with your view. If you have links to confirm what you're saying then please share.

        DevOps is focused on enterprise level features IMO and Github is just the source/work item side. Codespaces was an experiment anyway and if you have DevOps I don't see you need it. Azure Defender for Containers is scanning container repos. I don't see where DevOps or GitHub applies here as they are neither. Dependabot is just a subset of security scanning and all that is in DevOps now as well. You can read the blog article from just a few days ago if you're...

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  • Kevin Lecouvey

    Thanks for the update!

    Can we also have a toggle to prevent the creation of TFVC repos?

    • Gloridel MoralesMicrosoft employee Author

      Thank you Alexandre. I will share your feedback with the team.