Pure Virtual C++ is our free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. This year it will run on April 30th 15:00 UTC. Sign-up for free to get access to our five sessions on the day.
The sessions are:
- Automated Testing of Shader Code with Keith Stockdale (Rare) – 15:00 UTC
- Message Handling with Boolean Implication with Ben Deane (Intel) – 15:30 UTC
- I Embedded a Programming Language In Debug Information with Sy Brand (Microsoft) – 16:00 UTC
- Enhancing C++ development with Copilot Chat with Sinem Akinci (Microsoft) – 16:30 UTC
- Progress Report: Adopting Header Units in Microsoft Word with Zachary Henkel (Microsoft) – 17:00 UTC
We’ve added a host of new pre-conference content which you can check out in the meantime. In the last week we’ve released:
- Visualizing Memory Layout in Visual Studio – Mryam Girmay
- Include Cleanup and Diagnostics in Visual Studio – Mryam Girmay
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Acquisition in Visual Studio – Elizabeth Morrow
- Optimizing Game Development Workflows with Visual Studio and AI – David Li and Greg Denton
- CMakePresets.json Version 6 Support in Visual Studio and VS Code – Andreea Isac
- Updates to the VS Code CMake Tools Sidebar – Sneha Ramachandran and Moyo Okeremi