[UPDATED May 2011]
We have now a much easier way to install and add a reference to AppFabric Client assemblies, using NuGet! 🙂
See: http://www.nuget.org/List/Packages/ServerAppFabric.Client
In order to develop against AppFabric Cache, of course, you need to reference its Client-Cache assemblies.
You’d think it is a pretty straightforward action, but it is not. At least using current Beta and RC version, it is not like going to Visual Studio–>Add Reference—>Browse GAC assemblies, select it, and done?. Nope!.
And this is something I have to do again and again in different projects, so I thought it would be cool to have it stored here at my blog:
How to add a reference to Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Client:
1. In VS, right click on your project and select Add Reference
2. Select the Browse tab
3. Write “%windir%\Sysnative\AppFabric” in the filename editbox and press enter
4. Locate and select both Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Client and Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Core
If you wanna know more about it, read the following articles: