July 22nd, 2019

Join us! Moving smart: Cloud accelerators for government – July 31

Karina Homme
Senior Director

According to a recent Government Accountability Office report, only 11 percent of federal IT systems are running on the cloud while the Department of Defense uses cloud for about 3 percent of its tech. As many government agencies look to accelerate their drive to the cloud, they can encounter various roadblocks to picking up the pace.

With this in mind, we invite you to RSVP and join the Microsoft Azure Government user community for our next meetup, Moving smart: Cloud accelerators for government, on July 31 from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at 1776 at New America in Washington, DC. (Note: this is a new location from previous Meetups)

During this free event you’ll hear from government and industry speakers who will share:

  • Strategies and insights to help you break through top barriers to cloud adoption including connectivity, governance, compliance, training, and more.
  • Ways to accelerate development for Secret-classified environments
  • Various resources to help in your cloud journey, and more.

Featured speakers include:

Check out the full agenda and RSVP today for an evening of great content, discussion, networking opportunities and refreshments. Please be sure to invite your colleagues and connections to join, too.


Karina Homme
Senior Director

As senior director for Microsoft Azure Government, Karina is the federal market lead and liaison between the US Federal Ecosystem & Microsoft Azure Engineering. She works closely with a wide range of executive stakeholders to understand US government needs, remove cloud adoption blockers and ensure Microsoft’s Government Cloud roadmap meets agency missions. As an advocate for government, Karina supports cloud adoption in federal civilian agencies.


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