January 29th, 2018

Balancing government innovation with modernization (MGT)

Karina Homme
Senior Director

A 2016 Government Accountability Office (GAO) Study found that federal government invests over $80 billion on IT annually—but 75 percent of that money is being spent to maintain old and legacy systems. Even with the Modernizing Government Technology Act of 2017 and the proposed IT Modernization Fund, Federal CIOs need to find the right balance of investment to enable innovation while modernizing legacy systems.

The importance of this is underscored by a recent report by Gartner, Top Seven Priorities for U.S. Federal CIOs, which lists modernizing legacy systems as a top priority for government CIOs.

According to the research, implementing agile development, agile acquisition, and agile governance can make the price tag more manageable, and using the cloud as a path to modernization can help break down large projects into affordable and achievable steps.

In addition, the research calls out the importance of reducing the operational risk of legacy systems, which can help CIOs achieve buy-in for process transformation that can advance the mission with greater efficiency. This is an area where IT can serve in an advisory capacity, ensuring planning groups within the agency are aware of the risks of maintaining current systems, and how the agency can achieve operational cost reductions through IT modernization.

Learn more by downloading the analyst report: Top Seven Priorities for U.S. Federal CIOs.

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Karina Homme
Senior Director

As senior director for Microsoft Azure Government, Karina is the federal market lead and liaison between the US Federal Ecosystem & Microsoft Azure Engineering. She works closely with a wide range of executive stakeholders to understand US government needs, remove cloud adoption blockers and ensure Microsoft’s Government Cloud roadmap meets agency missions. As an advocate for government, Karina supports cloud adoption in federal civilian agencies.


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