January 16th, 2019

The Easy-to-Use and Modular App Center SDK

App Center supports a client SDK that is important to onboard to our services like Analytics, Diagnostics, and Push notifications. These SDKs are open source on GitHub, designed with a modular architecture, and easy-to-use APIs to make sure developers have an easy on-boarding experience. App Center supports a wide variety of SDK platforms – iOS, Android, macOS, DotNet, React Native, and Unity. This blog post covers most of the SDK features shipped by the App Center team this year.

A few key features supported in the SDK:

  • Support for iOS 12 and Android P
  • Control sending Analytics information with Pause and Resume APIs.
  • Support for specifying event priority allows you to mark certain events as “Critical” so that you can track business critical events with high priority. These events will be stored and sent with higher priority than normal events.
  • Support for setMaxStorageSize() API allows you to customize the size of SDK local storage with the default storage size of 10MB.
  • Support for strong typed properties allows you to add events with different types like boolean, long, double, date, and string in your application code.

Some of these features are available only for select platforms – iOS, Android and Unity, but we plan to support them on all the platforms.

Here are some things to note about the App Center SDK:

  • The App Center team releases the SDK every month. We have a regular release cadence with new features and bug fixes making their way into each release. So, keep an eye out on the release notes in the open source repositories and update your apps often to use the latest version of the SDK in your application.
  • Our documentation is always up-to date. We update our docs with each feature release to make it easy for developers to use the new SDK APIs.

We love to hear from our customers. If you have any SDK feature request or feedback that you’d like to share, please let us know by clicking the blue button on the bottom of our website.


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