November 26th, 2019

A Bite-Sized Daily Digest for Crashes in Visual Studio App Center

Amanda Chew
Senior Program Manager

We’re excited to announce the launch of a daily digest for crashes in Visual Studio App Center! This bite-sized email gives you a single view of your daily activity of new crash groups.

As a manager or a developer working on the app, it’s important to get a report of the overall crash activity for the day to prioritize the top crashes that need to be fixed. With the daily digest option, you can set up email notifications to see a summary of your apps’ crashes activity daily, and have actionable next steps on fixing the top bugs in your app.

We also have existing functionality for you to choose to receive email updates for:

  • Crashes: immediately when a new crash group is created if you want a more granular view on the app’s activity.
  • Distribution: daily for all the new app releases, instead of getting separate emails for all your new releases.

Getting Started

There are only three simple steps to get started:

  1. Go to and navigate to your app.
  2. In the left panel, click Settings > Email notifications.
  3. Select Daily under Crashes.

Emails will be sent at approximately midnight UTC every day. Each email will contain the list of the top 3 new crash groups prioritized by the highest number of crashes for the day. For more details, you can click the links in the email to view the detailed stack trace and crash logs in the App Center portal.

Additionally, if you also toggle Daily for Distribution, you will a list of all the new releases for the day, and a link to the install portal, where you can download the latest releases for the app.

Next Steps

To start receiving daily digests of crashes for your app, simply log in to App Center (or create your free account today). As always, we are super keen to hear your feedback so feel free to leave a comment on the App Center GitHub repo, as we continue to iterate and improve.



Amanda Chew
Senior Program Manager

Program Manager for Visual Studio App Center.

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  • Pablo Lari

    Congratulations. Appcenter is a very powerful tool for creating and testing on more than hundreds of real devices. I use it to improve the user experience, and implement push notifications. Hotmail