Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 shipped!
Earlier today, we shipped Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0!
This is by far the best Visual Studio and .NET Framework release that we have ever done. I am very proud to be a part of the team that did a phenomenal job of delivering this fantastic product. I also want to take this opportunity to thank the community and early adopter customers for their incredible help and invaluable contributions in helping us ship the right product.
Later in the day, the final bits will be up on MSDN for our MSDN subscribers around the world to get access to the product.
I am looking forward to the product launch on November 7th and all the subsequent launch events around the world.
October 27, 2005
You just made my day. :)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Soma, congrats to you and all the staff on this release. As a developer I've never been more excited in my career than I am about this release and this product. Great job!
October 27, 2005
Awesome! The wait is over.Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Great job! Congratulations! Can't wait to see it in MSDN downloads!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
This is a great news! I hope that UPS will work as good as usually is doing in order we can get Visual Studio 2005 asap.Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulations from Brazil. Great job. It is a great product. Many, many times better than VS 2003.Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulations to you all guys!!!
I too have been excited about this release!
October 27, 2005
Congratulations to all the people involved on this huge project! :-)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulation to every member in the product teams. This is such a major release. Finally the wait is over :) Someone pass the cigars around ;)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
<ComicBookstoreGuy>Best. News. Ever.</ComicBookstoreGuy>Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulations to everyone in the Developer Division. This must be a great day for you guys!
I'm off to MSDN to try and download (servers are getting hammered :P)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congrats to all. I hope the .NET, VS, SQL and BizTalk teams get a nice reward and some time to relax before the launch events.Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Thanks for making available to download at MSDN.
Can't wait to see it in MSDN downloads!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Awesome, downloading now.Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Great news for the Developer community. I'm eager to see how the whole community going to embrace and start deploying innovative solutions.
Also curious to see how it will be priced and how MSDN will accomodate small ISVs into the subscriptions modelAnonymous
October 27, 2005
Somasegar Prabhuji,
This really saves the day!
See you in Belgium, November 10th!
October 27, 2005
Thanks for the good news Soma!
October 27, 2005
Thanks Soma!! that's really a big news and its going to help us a lot. Meanwhile, are you aware of SQL Server 2005 release ??Anonymous
October 27, 2005
This is great news! Congratulations on the release, I am really looking forward to downloading it and giving a go...but it looks like the download servers are a little hammered right now. Gee, I wonder why? ;-)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Thank's for all the great work you guy's have done on this release.. I'm really anxious to get this great stuff in my fingers :P
Also SQL Server 2005 appears to be shipped today! Best day of my life so far (only 20 years old :P)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Great news!
I appreciate all the effort you guys put into this and like to thank you verry much.Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulations! Looking forward to start using it!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
never could repeat the moment - enjoy!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulation, Soma (and everyone on the team)!
My customers will be glad to hear that we can finally stop using a beta version for doing their product! ;) To me, VS 2005 and .NET 2.0 have been the single most important productivity boost factors of the last years.
October 27, 2005
Rick - "Awesome! The wait is over."
...until you attempt to download it....then the wait is back on...Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congrats to you and everyone on the teams, I'm looking forward to trying it out - once it is downloaded from MSDN.
Now I'm looking towards Vista, WPF, WWF and ORCA, this is an exciting time!
Klaus Enevoldsen, DenmarkAnonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulations to the compelete Dev Division on getting such a BIG release out of the door on (Before) time!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congrats! Looking forward to the launch event in LondonAnonymous
October 27, 2005
Get some sleep, and think about a sabbatical, or a 1 month vacation. The last MSDN drop was pretty tight, what was fixed?Anonymous
October 27, 2005
October 27, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulation from Slovakia...
I am just waiting for SQL server and Express Editions to download and give it fast try.
Any info/link on these editions?Anonymous
October 27, 2005
It totally made my day when I went out to MSDN and saw that. Then I came here to confirm it was true. ROCKZ!!!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
This is a big deal and an exciting time.
Great job guys and congratulations.
October 27, 2005
defining moment!!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulations from Iceland :)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
congrats from ghanaAnonymous
October 27, 2005
Great job done!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
What can I say!! You have conquered the hearts of scores of developers like myself who breathe and dream Visual Studio. Net.
I am one of the early adopters of VS.Net and I find it totally irresistible.
Obi Oberoi, Toronto (Canada)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 27, 2005
October 27, 2005
October 27, 2005
They have done it again !
Since Visual C++ 1.5, 2.x, 4.x, 5 & 6 et VS NET series, I am still with you !!!!!
All thoses products makes working in a good way. Using them 10 hours a day is comfortable.
<< Chapeau bas >>, messieurs !Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Great work folks, best .NET release thus far! Now there's the wait for Orcas:-)Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Just in time for my B-Day on the 28th. Thanks guys!!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Now it gets really exciting!!! Thanks!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Congratulations from the Czech republic!Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Started working with the DOS versions of the MSC series. Still remember the german launch event for the first Windows version (VC1.0) very well, where every attendee a 5kg package with printed documentation!
Trust that I will be very pleased with VS05.Anonymous
October 27, 2005
Did send it by ship? Put it on an airplaine!Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Huge congratulations, guys! You've done a great job!Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Will VS2005 be available for download through MSDN Adademic Alliance soon?
October 28, 2005
Congrats ManAnonymous
October 28, 2005
Did You released Visual Source Safe 2005 too?Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Great!I have waiting for it long long ago!!!!
The VS Team is Great!!!Thank you!Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Will it work with the WinFX September CTP release?Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Congratulations! Are you going to the San Francisco launch? If so--see you there!Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Congratulations on the release of the of the biggest and (I hope) the best VS IDE from the Microsoft stable.Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Many thanks from France :)Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Big news for us!!! We've been working with all the betas, since 2004, and we just love this new version 2.0. And VStudio 2005 is also greatAnonymous
October 28, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 28, 2005
Best set of development tools ever built by Microsoft.
Thanks for all your effort!Anonymous
October 28, 2005
Yes, we did release Visual Source Safe 2005 as well yesterday.
- somasegarAnonymous
October 28, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 29, 2005
Hats off to you. I have never seen any Microsoft release generate as much interest in Pakistan (and the world) as this one. Truly phenomenal!Anonymous
October 29, 2005
Congratulations! I downloaded from MSDN on Thursday and am quite impressed.Anonymous
October 29, 2005
Very big and good work
October 30, 2005
Namaste from India.
This is great news. I'm looking forward to install the product now itself. I can't wait more time.Anonymous
October 30, 2005
Don't try to install it on Vista, it doesn't work, the worthless thing thinks you need SP2!Anonymous
October 30, 2005
Congratulazioni from Italy!
This release is really a breakthrough in productivity.
All you msdn blogger guys have create a really great and exciting community!Anonymous
October 30, 2005
Any clues where it is?
Because I can't find it for download anywhere on the site, and yes I am an MSDN subscriber. What a frustrating experience.
Shouldn't be that easy to find anyway, since Microsoft support couldn't do it either...Anonymous
October 31, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 31, 2005
To RJL: We’ve reconfirmed that VS2005 RTM works on the latest Vista October CTP (bld# 5231) and is also working on the latest internal builds as well. Previous Vista releases (Beta1 and PDC) still require VS2005 Beta2. We cannot find any issues regarding the “SP2” error you noted; if you could supply more information on this error I will make sure the right folks investigate it.
Chris Dias
October 31, 2005
Just a pitty there's no product launch in the Southern Parts of the world!?
Thanks for the hard work to all the creators of VS 2005.
looking forward.
From ZAAnonymous
November 01, 2005
Congratulations!. Looking forward to the launch event in Atlanta.
November 01, 2005
Hey Soma, Great job on the visual studio. But i would just like to say publicly THANK YOU. For all you have done for me by helping me with my school assignements. You are a really great man and I think most highly of you.
Keep it up all the good work.
Dean :-)Anonymous
November 01, 2005
Congratulations! Visual Studio 2005 is a real quantum leap. I hope "Orcas" will be even more amazing, can't wait LINQ and other cool technologies. Great job!Anonymous
November 01, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 01, 2005
That's great!! Looking forward for the launch on 7th November.Anonymous
November 01, 2005
I have one question: Could you summarize the difference between RC and final release?
November 02, 2005
Great New Soma!!!!Anonymous
November 02, 2005
Super stuff :) Just downloaded it from MSDN - and gee am I looking forward to getting it up and running on my machine!!
Congratulations to you and your team!Anonymous
November 03, 2005
Congratulations to all of you !!! You can be proud of youAnonymous
November 03, 2005
Do you guys filter the comments, since every one applauses ???
for us .NET is a pain, we will continue VB6
until you provide migration tools.
November 03, 2005
Hi Joe,
There is NO filtering of the comments on my blog. Every comment that gets posted is for all to read.
- somasegarAnonymous
November 03, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 03, 2005
Soma...congrats to you and all the team members involved in the release of the product. good job done folks....keep it up. hope to see the product in our development environment here and explore the same. One of the requirements that i expect from .NET Framework 2.0 is offering the FTP class for uploading and downloading the files from/to the remote systems. i read on internet somewhere that the FTP class is available in Framework 2.0 version. hope to see the FTP class available with this product.Anonymous
November 03, 2005
Congratulations !!!
Namaste ! :)Anonymous
November 03, 2005
Congratulations !!! where to download?Anonymous
November 03, 2005
Sorry to rain on your parade guys but...
Having been amazed at how fabulous VS 2002 and 2003 were, I expressed major concerns about this product while using the CTPs and the RC.
My concerns were well founded. It is the most painful Microsoft product since Vizact. We've installed it 3 machines and every around hour the VB compiler fails with a send error report (on different projects!) We then have to sit through 6 or 7 submit reports before it finally drops out of memory with a feeble apology.
Even the CTP didn't do this!
You have implemented some amazing things guys, but when the basics no longer work it kinda makes the whole excersize pretty pointless.Anonymous
November 04, 2005
Hi Nag,
Here's a sample app that ships with V2.0 that demonstrates how to use the FTP class:
You use FtpWebRequest and FtpWebResponse to do the work.
- somasegarAnonymous
November 04, 2005
Congratulations from India,BLR..
Even I too excited about this Mega Product release! Congratulations to everyone in this team, Who are all designed and introduced lot many things to finalize the product.
Really really must be a great day for you all guru's.
Congrats once again !
Looking for the launch event in India especially in BLR.
gudos to VS Team and SomasegarAnonymous
November 06, 2005
Hi guys,
Now that we have the final version of VS.NET 2005, my question is can we have VS.NET 2005 installed and safely working along-side VS.NET 2003 that I already have (which is my current production environment)? Has anybody had a rough experience in doing this?
I want to develop some projects in VS.NET 2005 and keep developing some projects in VS.NET 2003. To do this i will need to install both the environments (and the relevant Framework version as well) together in the same production environment.
Is it safe to do this - or should i use the Virutal PC to install VS.NET 2005?
Note: I have the final VS.NET 2005 version (production reelase, not the Betas or RCs), since I am an Universal MSDN subscriber.
November 06, 2005
thx friendAnonymous
November 06, 2005
what can i say!!!
now you are bilding my dream !
November 07, 2005
I cannot find Visual Express RTM to download. All I get is beta 2 version. How to get the new Express Edition?Anonymous
November 07, 2005
nigh: The Express Editions can be downloaded from
Luke HobanAnonymous
November 07, 2005
There does not seem to be any place to get CLRProfiler. CLRProfiler Beta 2 does not run any of the new applications created by the released version.Anonymous
November 08, 2005
Great job ! I am looking forward to the launch of Visual Studio 2005 in India. As a technical writer I want to know the major differences in VS .Net 2003 and VS .Net 2005.
Congrats once againAnonymous
November 08, 2005
Hi Vibhuti,
We have a whole bunch of information including a feature guide out on MSDN. Here is the link to that -
- somasegarAnonymous
November 08, 2005
Thanks a lot and wait for a great product is over.Anonymous
November 09, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 11, 2005
Hi Somasegar,
I can't wait to work on 2005 with sql 2005. Just wondering, do you have any free msdn events related to 2005 version as a cd or slides, where we can download..
Core information related to 2005.
I read so many articles related to 2005..
But it would be much helpful, if i can get as a download link.
November 11, 2005
Hi Vasudha,
You can download the Express editions of VS 2005 from
You can also get trial editions of VS 2005 from
Also, depending on where you reside, you may want to attend the local launch of VS 2005/SQL Server 2005 and Biztalk Server 2006.
- somasegarAnonymous
November 11, 2005
Thanx to Visual Studio Team..
I am Qamar. I am MCP and want to learn new feature of Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 / SQL Server 2005 Quickly can you tell me the right way []Anonymous
November 15, 2005
Hi Somasegar,
I'm looking forward to attend NOV 22nd session on 2005 in NY. Also I have the trial versions installed.
Do you recommend any good books on Vs.net2005 and SqlServer2005 ?
November 16, 2005
Congratulationsssssssss for the whole team.
I already worked on Visual 2003.
I would like to work on Visual Studio2005 and SQL-Server 2005. Presently, I would like to know the difference between Visual Studio 2005 and Visual 2003.Anonymous
November 17, 2005
Since several people have asked for this again, I will repeat this. You can go upto and get a whole bunch of information about Visual Studio 2005.
Specifically, we have a feature guide for VS 2005 - that will tell you what's new in this version of the product.
- somasegarAnonymous
November 19, 2005
Hi Somasegar,
I have VS.NET 2003 installed for my production use. I have VS.NET 2005 but have not installed it yet in my production machine, but would like to start developing future projects in 2005 VS.NET.
Can you confirm that having VS.NET 2003 and VS.NET 2005 (final release version) together in one production machine is safe.
November 19, 2005
Hi .NETUser,
Having VS.NET 2003 and VS 2005 in the same machine is absolutely supported. Having these two reside side-by-side is one of the key configurations that we support.
- somasegarAnonymous
November 24, 2005
Congratulations :) Hope to be there at India Launch on 9th DecemberAnonymous
February 18, 2006
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March 09, 2006
Visual Studio 2005 Professional along with SQL Server 2005 RTM’ed last week – right on time… actually...Anonymous
July 19, 2006
Visual Studio 2005 et le .NET Framework 2.0 sont finalisés. C'est ce qu'a annoncé Soma Somasegar sur...Anonymous
August 02, 2006
Soma said it. It must be true. This is great news. I am very excited about this release. I wonder if...Anonymous
September 07, 2006
Visual Studio
2005 Professional along with SQL Server
2005 RTM’ed last week – right on time… actually...Anonymous
September 07, 2006
Visual Studio
2005 Professional along with SQL Server
2005 RTM’ed last week – right on time… actually...Anonymous
November 03, 2006
If you haven't heard the news, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (meaning Microsoft Visual Basic 2005) andAnonymous
September 03, 2007
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September 08, 2007
free learn english online gameAnonymous
September 17, 2007
free myspace music videos codes in spanishAnonymous
November 24, 2007
We are having a problem with the date picker control. It is hiding behind a drop down list while rendering. Can you please provide us a solution for this or a workaround for resolving this problem.Anonymous
November 24, 2007
We are having a problem with the date picker control. It is hiding behind a drop down list while rendering. Can you please provide us a solution for this or a workaround for resolving this problem.Anonymous
November 25, 2007
Padmakar - I am sorry you are having an issue... Is it with an ASP.NET web project or a Windows Forms project? Can you tell me a little more about what is happening? You can drop me an email at:
January 09, 2008
Hi, i m using crystal report .net 2005 in my windows application,in which there is a main report in which there are 4 run time when i click on main report , subreport open in new tab, how can i restrict so that subreport will not open in new tab. can anybody help me?Anonymous
January 23, 2008
They released it today on MSDN earlier than the original 11/7 launch date. Here is some more informationAnonymous
January 24, 2008
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January 20, 2009
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June 08, 2009
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June 08, 2009
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June 16, 2009
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October 02, 2009
plise give the carrect ans. this answar is no corract for my question thankAnonymous
November 08, 2009
October 24, 2010
we have a project developed in .net framework 2.0.40607(BETA). and after that VS2005 has launched with framework 2.0.53727. Now, many classes have been obesolate of beta framework. How can i use old framework to do some changes in my project becausse VS 2005 is not migrating automatically to new framework? plz reply..urgent Sachindevtripathi@gmail.comAnonymous
March 29, 2011
it's an opportunity to thank the community and early adopter customers for their incredible help and invaluable contributions in helping us ship the right product. regards, <a href="">find a freelancer</a>Anonymous
June 07, 2011
must be great to be part of the team, congrats on that.Anonymous
March 07, 2012
Thank you very muchAnonymous
May 18, 2012